'Oh I just got cross eyed for a moment there' I say while blinking rapidly

Joanna was just standing there with perfect looks and she just laughed and I smile

'Let's go?!!?!?' Ian says

'My god Ian it's LEGOOOO' Jerome says

'My bad' Ian says

'Come on' I tell them

'Okay we meet here' Ty says

'Okay MOM!!!' Me and Adam say and the girls laugh

'I'm funny!!! You proud of me now MOM!!!' Adam yells

'Yes' Ty says

'*sniff* I would like to thank the academy' Adam says

'Okay okay stop rambling now legooo' Mitch says

'Who is going with who?' Gabster asks

'Umm it's up to you' I say

I knew I'm my head that Joanna wouldn't come with me well I'm a loner anyway

'I call Jasonnn!!!!' Joanna yells

My heart stops and I just smile

Mitch's POV (sorry for keeping on switching I promise I will just do this in some chapters)

So Joanna goes with Jason and I was thinking of going with Jerome for me not to feel awkward but I really wanted to go with Gabster but nah she wouldn't

'Okay Joanna is done now ummm Gabster' Adam says

'Just call me Gab' Gabster says

'Okay who are you going with?' Ty says

Gabster runs her chin while looking at all of us and she finally chooses

'Ummmm errrrr' she says while pointing at all of us

'I will close my eyes and who ever I point to I will go with' gabster says

She closes her eyes and she looked sooo KAWAIII!!!! She put her arm up and waves her arm around and the girls face the other side and I notice the guys see that I have a hopeful face so they whisper she points at Adam and he runs to my spot and he makes me switch

'You sure' Adam says

'All for you bud' Adam says

'Okay you' gabster says as her yes flutter

'Oh okay Mitch' she says

'Alright now the other girls' Ian says

Adam's POV

I was sure I would just end up with one of the guys of maybe alone

'I need somebody who can accompany me to the apple store' Kyra says

'I need to go there to uhhhh buy a new case' I lie because I saw that I had something in common with her but I just can't put my finger on it

'Okay' she says as she walks to me

'Just one more girl!!!' Jerome says

Raisha's POV

'I want the boys to make the choice this time' I say

'Alright' the guys huddle up

'Hey this is not football' Mitch yells

I just smile there and look at Gab and she makes a thumbs up and I just mouth 'the fuck' she giggles

Jerome's POV

'I really want this guys' I say

'Alright wait do you like her' Ian says

Dream Come True (Team Crafted Fan Fiction) by:Gabster_PPWhere stories live. Discover now