You fainted?!

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In the last chapter, lunch ended and the arm wrestling challenge finished, so now we continue.

Nagisa looked up at Asano from the floor. Asano had about as much shock on his face as Nagisa himself did. Nagisa heard the crowd burst out laughing, he could hear small snippets of what they were saying too, "Look, Akabane finally gets put in his place."

"That bastard deserves to lose."

"Can't he even sit on a chair properly?"

"As expected from the E class."

Nagisa grit his teeth, he could see that his classmates were pretty much just as annoyed, except two people, Kayano and Karma. They were both looking at Nagisa with worry. Nagisa knew that Kayano was concerned and Karma felt bad.

The next moment was what shocked everyone in the gym, Asano got up from his seat and walked in front of Nagisa (Karma to the crowd). Asano put one hand out and offered to help him up, Nagisa took the hand and lifted himself up. Asano looked him in the eye and whispered, "I'm really sorry about this. It was probably my father." Asano then walked back to this seat in the audience and Nagisa did as well.

Everyone stared as the two walked back, some even had their mouths open in shock. Nagisa sat down and he was bombarded with questions, "What did he say?!" Kayano squealed.

"Did he intimidate you?" Karma said narrowing his eyes.

"Huehuehuehue, do I sense a secret relationship?" Nakamura wiggled her eyebrows.

Nagisa's face turned pink, "Nakamura!"

The blonde just giggled and moved back a bit.

Nagisa turned to Karma with a blank face, "No he didn't intimidate me." He turned to Kayano and said loud enough for everyone to hear, "He apologised and said it was probably his father's plan." Karma blinked, "He apologised?"


Karma couldn't believe his ears.

The principal announced the next and final activity for the day to be a scavenger hunt around the school. He explained that every class would have to find certain things around the school from maps given to them.

The class's representatives were called down to collect the maps. Isogai and Kataoka returned shortly with the map and some walkie talkies for their class. Looking at the map it looked like there were about 30 objects to be found. They decide to split into groups to find some objects quicker.

As they were leaving the gym their classes were all mixed up in the crowd. Nagisa was with Sugino and Karma was with Kayano. Nagisa and Sugino found a group of their class and Karma and Kayano found the other part of the class. Luckily each half had one walkie talkie. The group that Nagisa and Sugino were in had the map.

They used the walkie talkies to tell the other half where to find the things they needed. They set off and started to search around the school. The classes all got so engrossed in the scavenger hunt that they weren't thinking about Nagisa and Karma's current situation. So much in fact that the two groups of class E students got more than 100 meters apart.

Nagisa's groups had just been looking around the top floor of one of the school buildings when Nagisa felt slightly dizzy. He reached out and grabbed a table. His vision went dark, his eyes hurt, he couldn't hear anything, and he started sweating... Nagisa fell forward and collapsed to the ground. He rolled to one side but he didn't have the strength to get back up. His arms were too weak.

The people around him we calling out but Nagisa couldn't hear any of it. He was too caught up in trying not to throw up. He started breathing heavily as his heart rate sped up. Sugino had already left to get a teacher. He had run out as soon as his friend wouldn't answer him and as he left he saw him grab the table. Sugino didn't have to run far as the teachers were watching over various places for the scavenger hunt. He got a teacher and led them to the classroom they had been in. He opened the door and the teacher ran up to the now unconscious student. Nagisa was picked up and taken to the infirmary in the next building over. Sugino came along but the rest of the group had gone back to the gym and stopped searching. They contacted the other group of their class but they didn't answer.

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now