"I can't believe we miss out on three days of work!" Nagisa cried.

"We also have to stay in the main building, expect bullying tomorrow and the two days after that," Karma added.

"I can't believe this! If you get people you've pissed off nominate you for bad challenges then I'm going to be the one to have to it!" Nagisa threw his hands in the air.

"Oi, you might get nominations too, there are so many challenges that it's likely our whole class might get nominated for something, not to mention, people seem attracted to you." Karma retorted.

"Hmph!" Nagisa crossed his arms and turned his face away from the annoying (currently) blunette next to him.

"Hey! Don't make that look with my body, people will think I'm weird!" Karma teased.

Nagisa whipped his face around to Karma with an angry sort of look, his red hair flying into his face, "You calling me weird?! Do you want to go? I could beat you the way we are now!" He put his hands up like a boxer and smirked.

Karma laughed, "HA! So you admit I'd beat you!" He pointed his finger at Nagisa.

Nagisa frowned, "Oh, shut up! Look we're here." Nagisa stomped up to Karma's front door.

Karma laughed.

The next day, all of class E didn't really want to attend school, Karma had even begged Nagisa to skip the whole day with him, Nagisa obviously rejected it and so Karma had to go due to the 100m rule. Karma whined all the way to their class building and Nagisa was completely over it when he walked into the building and everyone could see it on his face. They quickly separated the two and got ready for the walk to the main building.

The school conveniently made the 3E students meet at their class and then have to walk down to the main building instead of letting them just come to the main building. (A.N: Can you tell I'm being sarcastic?)

They all had to first go to the hall for an assembly, their class, of course, had to be there first before the rest of the main building students. Karma was again forced to attend because anywhere he went within 100m outside, he would be found by teachers and made to go in any way and also he was Nagisa at the moment so it would be weird for him to skip.

The room eventually filled up and as the students saw class E already there lined up, most of them snickered at the class. When the room was full the principal went to the stage, "Welcome today to the first challenge day, today 6 events will take place. There will be a break for morning tea and lunch. In between, there will be the challenges, as challenges are being done the non-participating people will be watching. Activities will take place in different places but everyone will be advised where to go. The first one will be in the gym. Good luck."

The classes started to shuffle out of the hall and they went to the gym. It had a big court and there were seats all around like a stadium. All the classes sat down in the audience seats.

Gakuhou's voice came on over the loudspeaker, "The first activity will be the singing one; can all participants please come to the court." The people in 3-E looked around their class until they saw Kayano from the back walking down the steps, the group of them that had gone to karaoke were pretty sure she was going to win, but they didn't know if the activities were going to be fair yet.

They had only made Kayano do the activity, they had wanted her to go with Nagisa since their voices sounded good together but he was currently Karma and it would be really weird for the whole school to hear such a high voice from Karma. So she had to go alone, but they didn't know whether someone was going to be nominated.

As if hearing the class' thoughts the principal started speaking again, "For this challenge, the nominated 3-E student is Yukiko Kanzaki." All the other classes looked in class 3-E's direction and Kanzaki got up and walked to the court, she went to Kayano's side. Kayano gave Kanzaki a reassuring smile.

Kanzaki was in fact very worried that she had been nominated for the challenge, her voice was too soft and quiet for singing and she had never really been any good. Kayano had heard Kanzaki sing before, it wasn't bad but she was quiet and she wasn't very good at matching her voice to the song. Kanzaki kept smiling even though she was worried.

The rest of the class thought the school had nominated her because they just thought she was pretty.

Gakuhou then explained the rules, "The school anthem will be played and each contestant will be asked to sing a different line of it, every person must be ready when it is their turn to sing." A teacher walked out and gave each participant a microphone. He put them in a line which gave them their order. Kayano was last and Kanzaki was before her.

The anthem started playing.

I could just see Nagisa and Karma having petty fights like that before and of course, Karma would win.

I hope you like this idea, everyone, it took me a while to come up with since I've had writers' block for a while so my last few chapters were crap but I guess you could call this a new arc for the story. Please comment and vote! You guys are my motivation!

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now