Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Vanessa's pov

"So when is your wedding going to be?" Mack asked me

"Umm I don't know, I think like in 5 or 6 months?" I said

"Why that long?" she whines

"Umm because me and Ashton haven't confessed if we're going to have it in a hall or outside, we haven't tried any cakes, haven't thought of the theme, I haven't bought my dress, Ashton hasn't gotten his tux, I haven't chosen my maid of honor, Ashton hasn't chosen his best man, and we haven't booked any music" I said catching my breath

"Well how come you don't choose like a close friend or an old friend of yours?" she asked

"You know what? your right! Mack would you like to be my maid of honor?" I asked

"I would love to" she said and I hug her

"Yay! ok I kinda got my bridesmaids, okay so it's Asante, Maddie, and my cousin Angie" I said

"Yeah that's good enough cause you don't want to much" she said

"Yeah, so now Ashton needs to choose his best man" I said

"Are you ready for the wedding?" she asked me

"Well yeah I mean I'm marrying my best friend" I said with a smile "where you nerves at yours" I asked her

"Was I nervous? hell yeah I was. I was sweating through my hands. and when we held hands, when you put the necklace on me with Ashton, well Luke could feel the sweat but he just went with it because he loves me"

"Luke's too cute" I said

"Yup and he's all mine" she said with smile and I smile

"So have you ever thought about having a family with Luke?" I asked

"Umm that question never came up, but now I think about it yeah I do want a family. like have a little Luke around the house and Luke to be a dad and me a mom" she said with a smile "how about you?"

"Well I brought it up a couple a times and he agreed, but we would have to wait after our wedding of a year" I said

"I want Ashton" I said

"Why? am I annoying or you just like want get away from me?" she pretended acted all but hurt

"No it's just i want him to cuddle with me" I said

"Yeah now that you mention it I want Luke to cuddle with me and probably we can talk about having a family" she said with a smile

"Aw that would be cute to have little Luke's everywhere" I said

"Well I better go so I can tell Luke" she said standing up, getting her stuff, and walking towards the door "I'm so excited!!"

"Hey I better be the godparent to that child" I said pointing

"You betcha you are" she said "ok byeee love you"

"Love you too" I said and she left

Wait is it just me or did that sound like we were on the phone? I think it did

~~~~~~~~<Night time>~~~~~~~~

"So Ashton" I said to my to-be-husband

"Yeah babe" he says to me as he joins me in bed

"Have you chosen your best man yet?" I asked

"Well I'm thinking maybe Luke he was my best friend, and cause you know I met him first in high school so yeah" he said

"I thought I was your best friend?" I said with pout

"You are. But you are my beautiful, loving, and fiancé" he said as he rolled on top me

"You know you have really pretty eyes" I said

"But you have even prettier eyes" he said to me

"Are you going to kiss me or nah?" I said and he laughed

"Yes I am" he said and as he put his lips on mine

We pretty much made out for a couple of minutes and then we slept.




So I hoped you like the first chapter!!

Sorry if was short but idk what to put next

But anyways I wanted to see how you guys are doing?

Are my minions alright?

Mkay please follow my social media


Fan account; @niallmate

Personal; @vanessah5SOS




Married to My Bestfriend *sequel to in love with my bestfriend*Where stories live. Discover now