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The next morning Sophie was busy running through some old stuff throwing the unneeded in a sack. She open a trunk and go through the things which is just papers like evidence that this is Donna's place and bill, you name it. She put it together and place it away again looking at everything that laid around.

Something very beautiful caught her attention. A pink book with flowers on. The Diary! She walk to it and pick it up almost throwing it away but something about it made her stop. She open it and sit down on the floor starting to read through the things.

She gave a smile and giggle at some diary entries hiding the book when she heard her mom.

"Hey, what are we laughing at?" She asked looking around at everything. Sophie try to hide her smile so she laughed a bit and stopped and look back at Donna.

"Oh nothing. I just laughed at the blonde moment I had with a spider." She lied.

"Okay." Donna said awkwardly and walk away again looking back with an add facial expression when she heard her daughter laughing again.

Sophie sit on her bed busy with the three letters. The moment her door swang open she quickly hid it away under her bed and see Sky.

"Hey honey." He greeted her with a kiss.

"Hey." She greeted back with a warm hug.

"How's my bride doing today?" He asked with a smile.

"So good." She giggled and jump up. "I can't wait to get married!"

"Me too!" He shout attacking her playfully as she fall and laugh. She look at him with a smile.

"You'll never leave me right?" She asked with a smile.

"Of course not. I loved you since the day I laid eyes on you." He replied giving her another kiss. She laugh and start pulling him by the legs to get out of her room but he grab hold on something making it impossible.

He laugh as she gave in and straddle him making a quick turn putting his arm behind his back.

"Where did that come from?" He asked struggling to talk.

"A trick I learned from my mother." She giggled. "Now don't you have work to do babe?"

"Yes I have." He replied. She laugh and stood up as he role over and smile at her. "You sure are more then just Sophie Sheridan."

"Then you know you won't mess with me." She giggled folding her arms

Before Sophie! Mamma Mia! (fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now