I Will Find You (OneShot)-Lauren/You

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 Cane lead me towards one of the empty rooms that were located in the back of the building.

Once we were safely inside the room he stood in front of me, giving me a worried expression.

"Listen Y/n, I know that very bad shit is about to happen here, we need to get out of here and get you back to that pretty wife of yours" Cane said with his hand placed of my shoulder.

"How do you know that bad shit is going to happen?" I asked once I calmed down a little.

"When the news was still on I received a call, a call from my old boss, he only got a few words out before the lines went dead but what he did say is that there's no way the government can stop whatever this infection is, they haven't found a cure, the only way to stop the ones that are infected is to destroy the brain, and that it's spreading fast, that's all I got. Now Y/n I need you to be calm" Cane explained, I took a deep breath and nodded my head, calming down some more before he spoke again.

"Okay, we're going to have to run down to the parking lot and- do you have your keys?" He asked, I shook my head since I left my on my desk, he sighed then continued "Okay we're going to have to hot-wire one of the available cars then we can head to your house, sound good?" He asked and I nodded, going over the plan in my head once more before we walked up to the door, Cane was in front of me.

He slowly turned the door knob and opened up the door, it was pretty quiet in this part of the building since no one worked in these offices.

We slowly walked towards the stair well and from a distance you could see red everywhere, there were several bodies littering the floor while a few more were up walking around and whatever they were they definitely no longer human.

"Okay, listen Y/n we're going to have to be very quiet, we don't want to attract the attention of whatever those are. When I say go we'll be making our way quickly but quietly towards the stair well, alright? You have to stay behind me the whole time and don't fall behind." Cane explained, I nodded as I took in all the information. 

Cane turned around and I took my hand and placed it on his shoulder so I wouldn't lose him, he slowly began to lead the way around the creatures and over our now dead co-workers.

We were almost out of the main room as we neared the stair well, there was one last body laid on the floor, blood covering the poor person. Cane stepped over the body and nothing happen, once I had my first leg over the body I was about to bring my other leg over when something grabbed my foot bringing my torso down on the ground while my legs landed on the body of my dead co-worker.

Cane quickly whipped his head around and looked down at me, his eyes widened as he saw the scene in front of him.

I could still feel the hand grabbing onto my foot, the body under my legs began to move. I turned my head to look at the body, the man who was once dead eyes were open, they were a clouded grey color and his arms struggled to move under the weight of my legs but his hand was securely attached to my foot, that's when I began to freak out, Cane jumped into action and immediately began trying to wrestle my foot out of his grasp.

The man had a very tight grip on my foot, once Cane got it free I crawled away and off the body.

Once I was off the man who was once dead he began to sit up, his arms moving towards me to grab me, his jaws snapping.

Cane pulled me to my feet and push me behind him, he looked around for any object to defend us from this being.

We were in a hallway so there wasn't much, other then the occasional picture frame on the wall and that would help up much.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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