Royalty Gone Weird - Chapter 3

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ok i know its a little(:/) late but here is the 3rd chapter! :D And i think im going to start posting on mondays now! But i dont want anyone mad at me so no promises! but i will try

Chapter 3:

'Hey!' An unknown guy's voice said in my head.

'D-do I know you?' I was still awe struck by the guy that was staring back at me smiling lightly.

'No, not yet, but you will soon enough.' The boy smiled bigger until his teeth shown in the sun.

'What do you mean?' I frowned down at him.

'You're looking for a body guard, right!?'

'Well actually I'm looking for a knight, but yea.'

'Good! Then I'll see you around!' The guy smiled again, but this time bigger. Then he was gone and so was what I'm guessing was his voice.

I just sat there staring at the spot where he had been standing. 'But wait! I don't know your name!'

'Noah.' The name echoed in my head,

'But wait I didn't tell you my name'!

'No need. I already know your name, Jess!'

' And you even called me Jess and not-'

'Not Jessica Marie Callard.' He finished my sentence.

I just sat there trying to figure out how this unknown hottie knew my whole name!

'When you pick me I'll explain.'

'But I-'

'By the way thanks for the compliment!'

'Huh? What, oh, that compliment! Heheh, you heard that, huh!?'

'Yup, I can hear anything you think.'

'Yea, well what if I talk out loud!?'

'No, but your family could hear you then!'

'Oh yea, didn't really think about that!'

'Hey your twin wants in the conversation really bad.'

'Oh, he can hear I don't care. But-'

'We aren't twins!' Shawn finished my sentence for me.

'Oh, hey Shawn! This is Noah.'

'Yeah I heard.'

'Wait you heard our conversation, but I thought you said...'

'Yeah he could hear us, he just couldn't talk.'

'Oh, okay. Welp, welcome to got nothing;.' I sighed.

'Good name Jess!'

'I know!' I smiled at him.

'You two are so much alike! Are you sure ya'll aren't twins!?' Noah laughed.

'Yup we're sure! There are two years separating us, I'm 16 and Shawn is 18.'

'Oh well other than that you two would make prefect twins!'

'Really!? If only I was two years older!' I sighed.

'Yea, or if I was two years younger!' Shawn sighed too. 'To be 16 again!'

'That would be so cool!' I squealed. Yea I actually squealed!

'Yea that would!' Shawn said imitating me.

I punched him in the arm and we both laughed. Then it was quiet for a while as we looked at the passing faces.

'Hey Noah?' I asked staring into the crowd wondering where he was.

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