Chapter 2-Sizzle

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Sorry for not updating in a while, here's a second chapter :)

WARNING: Physical beating, mention of rape/implied rape.

"You're sick!" Jack fought against the cuffs, turning red in the face. "How can you act like that? You're a sick bastard and-" Cal cut him off with a harsh blow to the stomach, followed by three more punches to the face and ribs. A groan escaped from Jack as he ached and felt metallic liquid rising up his throat. He spat the blood out, "you think she'll ever want to marry you, huh? Didn't you hear?" Cal delivered another punch. "She- she- she hates you. She loves me." More punches as Cal became angrier at Jack's taunting. "You think you- you- can beat me up and have her come rushing into your arms? You won't break her." Cal sneered at the younger man, "oh really? You're saying that if I beat the man she loves oh so dearly to death she won't be overcome with sadness and be damned to a melancholy life of self-hatred and self-blame? She'd have no other option than to go back to me." He slammed his foot into Jack's stomach, causing more blood and Jack's legs to give way. "Rose is strong. Stronger than you, stronger than me. You'll never put out her fire." Cal grabbed Jack's jaw harshly, forcing him to look into his eyes as Jack weakly struggled. His face cold and wicked, his eyes those of a maniac's. "I'm going to go in that room with dear Rose and test out that dare Mr Dawson. And if she denies my marriage one more time I suppose I'll have to find some other way of persuasion." Jack stared at him puzzled and harshly, what did Cal mean? "And trust me, the pleasure will certainly be all mine." He grinned. Jack knew exactly what he meant as he stared at him with hints of revenge and lust in his eyes. He was going to force himself on her. Adrenaline surged through Jack's body as he cursed and fought at Cal, who just sniggered and walked out of the room after handing the gun to Lovejoy and ordering him to make sure Mr Dawson stayed in his place. 

When Cal walked into the next room Rose was concious, sat on a wooden chair with her hands tied behind her back. "What did you do to him?" Rose demanded. Caledon reached and grabbed and identical chair and sat in front of her. "You're going to marry me you ungrateful bitch." "WHAT did you do to him?!" Cal slapped Rose around the face, causing a loud echo noise. "Leave us." Cal demanded to the two men still in the room. "Since we can't do this the easy way I'm going to have to use other methods." Cal stood up as Rose let out shaky breaths. He roughly shoved the chair she was on so it fell backwards with her along with it. Rose cried out as her wrists were crushed by her bodyweight. He grabbed her, pulling her off of the chair and onto the floor. He then roughly climbed over her body so he was straddling her. "Cal! Please don't" But he didn't stop. The following events were horrific. Pain. Lots of it. The feeling of being torn apart from the inside. Pain. Pain. Pain. Darkness.

So I updated. These are serious events which should have awareness and be taken seriously. Poor Jack and Rose. I'll be updating soon.

~Eb xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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