Guilt and changed feelings:

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Thank you everyone who has read the last chapter and I'm so happy that over 70 people have read the story so far but it might not be a lot to some people yet but as my first fanfic, I am so pleased. I've been thinking about some more ideas on some more stories so if there is any that you have ideas on let me know in the comments below!!! Thanks and enjoy ;)

Tee's POV:

Me and Carmen have been thinking about college, I obviously have to do art as everyone seems to love it whilst Carmen wants to do art as in drama which is no surprise because all the time I've known her, she wanted to be an actress. I did get an interview three weeks ago at a college that I may or may not have been stalking since January which in my opinion went completely downhill but it did start to become better.

Carmen took an accidental audition for the drama department but nevertheless SHE GOT IN!!!!! I would of been happy but all that was on my mind was how badly the interview went; Carmen told me that I got offered a place there as well!!! This meant we could still go to school together but the only problem is that everyone can be such a distraction meaning I can't do my best and I can't get the best job possible and then I might become homeless and and..... Tee get a grip of yourself. Anyway, we've talked to Mike and May li and we are getting our own flat. Not going to lie, I'm going to miss everyone and I know this is a way to make Johnny proud and seeing as Mum and Hope only have me left, I have to do my best.

One thing that is blurring through my mind is Ryan. What's going to happen when I leave, will everyone forget me and will Ryan move on. There has to be some way to show him how I feel. Times running out, I have three weeks left and me and Carmen move into our flat. Wait what am I thinking, this is the guy that made my life living hell and is like a few years younger so it can't work out, right?

Ugh all this stress is blocking my mind. Carmen suggested a spa day but it will be expensive (knowing Carmen) or something bad will go wrong and with all this time going so quickly life feels like a blur and to be honest I wish I could freeze time and let go. I just want to stay here forever but I can't imagine a life without Mike; he's been the best father figure to anyone he meets, especially to me and Johnny and it's hard to know he's been like my dad since I was five. It's hard on its own when you think about leaving but when you also think about all those lives your leaving, it makes it even harder.

Anyway what me and Carmen have planned for our last day will be epic!

The dumping ground Tee's secret part 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن