She motioned to Piper and Piper beamed, bowing her head in a curtsy, taking the two sides of her dress elegantly.

"And she is 18 years old, just enough for betrothal. And this girl here, my youngest daughter, is Violet Adrianne Kasper." She motioned to me and I sort of bowed, forgetting to curtsy by accident. I blushed and caught my mistake, taking my too big dress and bending down. A chuckle flowed through the crowd and I could feel my mom's cold hard eyes on the back of my head.

"She's 16 years old. Now would Emmet Jordan please step forward."

A large boyish man with messy brown hair and blue eyes stepped forward. His tanned hands were kind of shaking, like he was nervous that Piper wouldn't like him. Piper stepped foreword and smiled sweetly, taking hands with Emmet. They stood aside. I saw Emmet warm up a bit to Piper. He whispered something into her ear and she giggled softly. They were cute together, I had to admit. My mom's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Now would Reese Anderson please step forward."

The boy she had called, Reese, stepped out of the crowd and I immediately didn't like him. This boy was about sixteen, but he had the muscles of a full grown ox. They threatened to tear the suit he was wearing. He had neat blond hair and suntan skin. His eyes were a confident brown. This boy was the definition of jock. He had some cheesy grin pasted on his face. He stepped foreword prominently and grabbed my arm, pulling my toward Piper and Emmet.

"Hey gorgeous, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He strutted.

I did a mental face palm, this was going to be one long night.

Then a peaceful song played. We took on to the dance floor and I tried to dance with Reese. He kept stepping on my feet. He looked down.

"Are you wearing...sneakers?" He butted rudely.

I shuffled my feet and tried to hide them. He scoffed.

"So...what do you like to do in your free time?" I tried to make friendly conversation.

"Well, I don't mean to brag...but I usually spend most of my time at the gym, getting these guns." He motioned to his muscles and I rolled my eyes.

Of course he did.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I like...listening to music..." I mumbled.

"Psh, I thought you liked to paint nails and girly stuff." He stereotyped.

I scowled and purposefully stepped on his foot.

"Ow!" He whined.

I laughed quietly.

"Oops." I smiled.

We continued to dance and eventually I got bored, I looked out into the crowd. I saw Piper and Emmet smiling and chatting friendlily. I wish I had I partner like that. I continued to scope the crowd when I suddenly met eyes with someone on the complete other side of the ballroom. He had thick, soft looking, messy black hair that hung lazily over his eye, and extremely pale skin, so pale that it looked like a skeleton. He wore a dark black suit. His eyes were focused on the crowd, like a panther ready to pounce. Although...his eyes were hidden by a single strip of bright red mask, matching his tie, as if he was hiding from someone. Although he kept a low profile, I thought he was the most interesting person here. All of a sudden his head turned to look at me. He squinted, as if he was trying to figure me out. I quickly looked back at my date, he was carelessly staring behind me at some girl in a yellow dress. I glared at him to tell him that he was purposely being a terrible boyfriend, even though I couldn't care less about this joker.

"What?" He asked cluelessly.

I sighed and pulled away from him.

"I'm going to get some food." I mumbled.

He waved me off and went up to the girl in the yellow dress, giving her a sneaky grin. She blushed and giggled. I rolled my eyes. I frantically pushed through the piles of dancing couples to get to the pale boy in the corner. When I finally got there, he was gone, just like that. I scratched my head. What?! I thought. It's not possible. Someone couldn't just disappear that fast! I wandered through the crowded golden room and ended up at the food table. Millions of delectable sweets piled in front of my. Luscious chocolate eclairs to beautiful mini apple pies with white, creamy whipped cream. I grabbed an eclair and a pretty little fruit tart and faced the crowd, stuffing the eclair into my mouth. I had no idea how good it tasted until now. The chocolate blended with the crumbly pastry. Then suddenly a burst of beautiful, light, golden cream exploded in my mouth. I looked to my right and there was Piper and her date, holding hands.

"Mmmmhhhmm." I mumbled in response to the eclair.

Piper laughed softly. She knew how much I loved sweets.

The night dragged on and on and I had nothing to do but sit on a dark red mahogany chair up front next to my dad. I slumped down on my hand and I felt a warm hand on my sleeve. I turned around, half-expecting the masked boy. My dad sat down next to me and I sighed.

"Reese isn't working out for you?" He asked.

"He's a big, muscly jerk." I said simply.

My dad laughed.

"Your mom couldn't find any goth boys in the kingdom huh?"

I laughed, but my mind spun back to the masked boy...I had never seen him before, and apparently no one else had seen him either. It was probably just a hallucination...I guess.

The End. (Gerard Way AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now