Epilouge - Birth of Grace Cullen

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After the news that the war was over I had felt a great pressure had lifted off of our families shoulders. Father was now a lot more happier and stress-free. I was at the moment speaking with my older sister in the white house yard. We were talking about how this war had already taken too many lives and we were glad it was finally over, when a man covered in a dark cloak appeared in front of us. We both gasped, shocked.

"H-How did you get in here!? This is private property!" I announced loudly getting the attention of our parents who were behind us. Immediately Father was at our side.

"Wh-what are you doing here. You had your blood bath.... You said you were satisfied..." Dad stuttered.

"Oh, sweet Theodore... I said i was satisfied but i never said you could end the war... You disobeyed me... No one disobeys the volturi without consequences~" the mysterious man chuckled. He removed his hood revealing the face of an ancient yet ageless and godlike man.

"Aro, please... You promised-"

"You DISOBEYED ORDERS, HUMAN!" A girl who was very petite with blonde hair and looked young glared at father.

"The only way I can think of punishing you at the moment is to take your most precious thing in the world..." Aro chuckled as his eyes quickly targeted me.
Father realizing his eyes were now on me tried to pull me back . He was too slow as I was already in the man's arms. I cried out in pain as he was straining my neck out a lot. I felt the man's lips grace my neck.

"Ethel!~" mother cried out.

"Now watch as your beloved young daughter turns into a monster.." He whispered.

As soon as he finished his sentence I felt his teeth sink into my neck and soon a burning pain began to manifest itself. I screamed very loudly as i thrashed in his hold. He removed his teeth as I clawed at my neck. I saw my parents look at me in horror as well as my sister, Alice, back away in Horror. I continued to struggle in his grasp as he carried me bridal style.

"You will never see your daughter ever again. Know and remember that she became this because of your disobedience, roosevelt..." Aro chuckled evilly.
The last thing I saw before i was taken away was the look of horror from my family and then darkness swept me under.

The next thing I knew was that I was dumped in a nearby stream. I saw as Aro knelt down to whisper in my ear.
"You will soon find out what you are. I will not come back for you just know that humans can never find out what you are or else... I will find you and kill you for reals this time and i will show no mercy.. Young Ethel you are free from my grasp. .' he announced and at an inhumane speed left me in the cold, in excruciating pain. After a couple hours of laying there limp and trying to not scream, I felt cold hands caress my neck where I had been bitten. I whimpered.

"Shhh, I will not harm you child~ Who has done this to you?" the man asked me.
"A....Aro..." i whispered so weakly I could barely hear myself. I heard a slight hiss but soon those same arms carried me up and soon I felt wind all around me.
I felt the burning still very present. I was pretty sure I had been unconscious for about a day and the burning was slightly ... gone. I felt my hammering heart begin to beat even louder if that was even possible.The burning began to pull away from my limbs and towards the center of my body. I gasped loudly as the pain became unbearable. I began to claw at my chest and two hands pinned them to the side as I cried out in pain soon my heart was the only thing on fire and then nothing... I felt myself relax and a last breath left my lungs.

"... Are you alright? Can you hear me?" the now familiar voice of Carlisle asked me worriedly.
I slowly opened my eyes and the moment I thought of sitting up my body did it at an amazing speed. I came face to face with carlisle. His eyes widened when he looked at me.

"How interesting..." he whispered. "Your eyes are blue and not the fiery red they should've been..."
"Ca- Carlisle?" I asked. He quickly smiled warmly at me and pet my hair.

"You know a lot about me but I still don't know your name young one..." he smiled.

"Ethel... Ethel Roosevelt Derby.." i answered. He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his.

"I was afraid that the rumors were true..." he whispered so quietly that I shouldn't have been able to hear him at all.

"Where are we??" i asked him as I pulled my knees up to my chest.

"As I was quite worried that the rumors of the youngest daughter of the president had been taken and turned into one of us by the volturi were true... I took us out of the country. We are currently in Brazil..." he answered.

"B-Brazil?!~" i scoffed. I looked around seeing so clearly now. I had remembered everything that carlisle had told me while I was unconscious. He explained to me what I was becoming and what responsibility that came with. He explained what I would be able to do now that I would be a vampire: super strength, I'd be faster than anything in the world, He also told me about how I might have an extra special ability aside from all those but it might not happen. I also had the choice between drinking human blood or follow his teachings and drink animal blood. I grimaced at the thought of me killing another human being.

"Have you decided on what you will choose?" he asked me.

" I can't see myself kill another human being... especially with the situation on how I was taken away... I wouldn't be able to live with myself..." I whispered. He nodded with a small smile.

"What're we going to do with the people I love that are still looking for me?" I asked.

"We will have to change your name and relocate to a different part of the US..." he nodded. "Do you have any name in mind?"

"I always loved the name Grace..." i smiled.

"Grace... It's a beautiful name... Then Grace Roosevelt -"

"NOT My past last name included... They will recognize me.. How about Rose.. Grace Rose Cullen..." I suggested. He chuckled but agreed with me. He stood up with an arm extended.

"Let's go hunting dear Grace.." he smiled. I took his hand and he lead me out to the woods.

Grace Cullen Rose (Seth Imprint Story) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now