Bus at the random

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Chad leaning over and his face so close to mine that I jerk back.

"Ummm, yeah?" I say, I don't know why it sounds like a question...

Get your act together Samantha!

"TROY! TROY! TROY! TROY! TROY!" he screamed to his friend while hitting Troy, hard, on the arm.

"WHAT?" he yelled back, although they are in the same seat.

"WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP? IM TRYING TO DRIVE!" yelled the bus driver at the front of the bus

"Sorry, " they both mumbled and Chad sat down.

"Look" Chad says, whispering.

More whispering and mumbling.

"Hey, " Troy says jumping into the seat beside me," you're one of the girls on the volleyball team right?"

I just nod.

"Cool! We are going to be SO good this year!" he said jumping in his spot and punching the seat in front of us.

I just sit there, silently.

"Are you mute or something?" Chad asks popping up and leaning in between us.

"Dude!" Troy says pushing Chad back in the seat behind us using his hand to push Chad's face.

"Not cool" Chad mumbled sitting back down.

"So-" Troy starts to say but Chad gets up, once more, and pulls him out of the chair and walks towards the front of the bus because we are at our school.

"See you around!" Troy shouts behind his shoulder, still being dragged by Chad.

"Yeah. See you around," I mumble to myself and get off the bus.

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