Chapter 2

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"I warned you, Bennington!"

"P-please, pease d-don't", I whimpered.

"I told you often enough, but you still ignored me! Well, that's for ignoring me!", he said as he kicked me in my stomach, while Brad and Joe held me on my arms, so I wouldn't escape.

It really hurt but I tried not to show it. They already knew how weak I was, they didn't have to see me crying.

"And this one is because I still don't have my money", he shouted as he rammed his fist into my nose. I felt it pouring out of my nose.
It hurt as hell.

I wanted this to stop. I was tired of being beaten​ up every fucking day. I was tired of being raped up almost every day. I was so tired of all this shit.

"P-please s-stop", I whimpered.

"What did you say, fucker? I can't hear you if you don't stop shuttering"

He kicked again against my stomach. I heard Brad and Joe laughing.

"Stop!", I shouted.

"Oh, watch out guys! We have a badass over here!", Dave said sarcastically. Brad and Joe laughed again.

"Okay, Bennington! I'll stop. But only under one pleasure."

I really wondered what would happen now. I had no clue what Dave would want from me. More money? Maybe...drugs?

"W-what is it?", I asked.

He smirked and said: "Give me a blowjob"

Ew. What the fuck? What a pervert.

I heard Brad and Joe laughing again.

"N-no way."

'Really Chester?', I asked myself. 'you need him to know that you'd rather die than do this'

"Ask your fucking mother. She is already used to this."

In that moment I didn't know how this could come out of my mouth.

Brad and Joe stopped laughing.
Dave looked so angry at me. I've never seen him that angry.

"You worthless little piece of shit!", he shouted and ran over to me as he kicked my stomach, but this time way harder than the times before.

"How dare you to say that?!"

This time he rammed his knee into​ my face.
I wanted to cry because of the pain. It hurt so much.

"I'd really like to kill you right now, but unfortunately it's illegal."

He kicked my stomach one more time, nodded in the direction of Brad and Joe and then they left me.
They left me alone in the park.
It was going to get dark. Shit! My dad would kill me! I prayed to God that he wasn't drunk.

I cleaned my arm my face from the blood and stood up.
This was going to be one of the worst days ever.   


I slowly entered our house.

"Did you forget what I told you yesterday, Chester?"

Shit shit shit shit shit shit!

"I, uh, uhm, n-no"

"And about the shuttering too? Chester! It's a shame that you're my son! I never wanted you! Wait! What is this there in your face? Is this blood? Did you have a fight in school? Can you even defend yourself​? Oh man, what a disgusting son I have! It's so embarrassing to call you my son!"

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