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Here are the rules of this RP!

1. No Godmodding!
2. No stealing other people's characters!
3. Don't be mean to the role player
4. Have a bit of drama, not a lot
5. Cussing is fine, just keep it to a minimum. Don't swear in every sentence. Or I will revoke your swearing privileges
6. No smut. Kissing, hugging, cuddling is fine. Take smut to PM
7. Don't be perfect! Everyone has flaws (except me, just kidding )
8. Have fun!
9. Use (()) for talking out of character
Example :
Greg walked into the kitchen and went to make coffee (does anyone know where (insert name) is?)
10. I won't always be on, because of school and life. So don't spam me please!
I'll allow you to tag me once, but if I don't respond in around 2-4 hours then tag me in the comments again
Sometimes my phone gets taken away so don't spam
11. Have fun!

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