Part 1

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Within the concrete confines of the square box room, which acts as a minuscule office for the senior police detective, parents wait for news concerning the where a bouts of their beloved daughter.

The door swung open and the feeling of apprehension settled in over the parents. A tall, slender man stood in the door way sipping his plain black coffee which clearly represented his "exciting" personality. He strode into the uncomfortably cold room, not yet making eye contact with the anxious parents, proceeding to make his way over to his desk and then positioned himself on his old tatty black leather chair which could possibly be as old and worn as him. He frantically organised his desk, lining up his pencils in rows and straightening up his stacks of paper work in order to satisfy his up most important need for everything to be perfect and correct.

After wrestling with paper and pencils the senior police detective placed his dry rough hands on his freshly polished desk which was buffed the previous morning and looked up to finally make eye contact with the parents who were waiting patiently. His tired blue eyes which were accompanied with neighbouring wrinkles, squinted and stared at the parents who were stood near the wall across from him. A deep raspy voice left from the detective's mouth, laced with the words "You might want to sit down for this Mr and Mrs James". 


Ring! The familiar high pitched call to class rang, followed by a continuous slam of metal locker doors which echoed through the wide halls of my crumbling school. I rushed to my first class of many which will surely be uneventful and boring as always, stalked by a stampede of irritable adolescents who were also on their way to first period.  I reached my English class and my teacher Mr Stone was already inside sat at his desk, which he has probably been sat at for over an hour, to truly honour his favourite phrase "it's better to be an hour early than a minute late", as he prepares his PowerPoint which will most likely bore me to death.

With my shoulders slumped and my head down I entered, I eyed my seat - the same seat I have always sat in, a small crooked desk which is riddled with second hand chewing gum and tucked at the very back of the room. The rest of the students flooded in after me and wrestled through the door and claim their seats.

The room quickly feel into an uneasy silence as the old, silver haired Mr Stone started off the lesson with a difficult quiz question, as always. Struggling for the right answer my class mates mumbled to one another hoping, praying that they wouldn't get picked to answer the question and had everyone clueless. Except me, I rose my hand triumphantly to declare the answer, however my hand quivered and slowly sank back down on its resting position once I realised that - as always - I wasn't going to get picked by the old educator, this was probably because I always know the answer and he wants to give other students a chance to feel intelligent.

I sit at the back of the room, adjacent to my old friend Lucy, even though we don't talk any more or even exchange glances when we pass in the hallway, I still consider her as a friend, friends being something I don't have much of.

A student strutted into the lesson, late, walked past the only available seat at the front of the room and started to walk towards me, probably going to make me move as I am an insignificant member of the school. However as he approaches Lucy, the "friend" I sit next to, says "You can't sit there, that's HER seat" in an authoritative tone which makes the late comer turn around and take to seat at the front, after nodding in agreement of her statement. It was comforting to have someone stick up for me like that, it doesn't happen very often.

Ring! The bell rang out again, this time to announce to end of first period. I left, to once again wander the dark and eerie halls alone, as friends is a pleasure that is hard to come by in my life.

Alone in the immense world around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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