Fire Safety Pt 3- Patrick Sullivan

Start from the beginning

Soon it had ended, Patrick's team having to forfeit because of him ragging on the referee.

The guys gave him a hard time as they packed up their stuff. Eleanor and I were gathering our belongings as Patrick jogged over to us.

“I'm starvin’. How about some dinner, ladies?”

“It's spaghetti night!” Eleanor cheered, slinging on her bookbag.

“You're more than welcomed to come over,” I said, folding the blanket.

His eyes rolled back at the mention of food, “I haven't had a home cooked meal in a while. Besides, I bet it's better than the shit Johnny makes at the station!”

“I heard that ya grimey prick!”

“You were supposed to!”

“Oooo, you said a bad word!” Eleanor gasped, covering her mouth.

“Damnit,” Patrick cursed under her breath.

“Dats two in a row. Fifty cents!”

Patrick shook his head, digging in his pocket, “You're gonna break me, Jelly Belly,”
Patrick had showered while I cooked. Eleanor was parked in front of the tv watching Tom and Jerry.

Coming out from my room, towel drying his hair, Patrick came up behind me and placed a kiss on my neck.

“Hmmmm, smells good,”

I stirred the sauce, then the noodles, “Thank you.”

He patted my hip and got our cups and plates out to set the table.

“Can I help cook?” Eleanor asked.

“Not right now, Elle,”

She was tired and hungry. I knew who was going to bed after dinner, “But I wanna help!” she whined.

Patrick scooped her up, “You come help me, Jelly Belly,okay?”

“Alwight,” she sighed.

With the plates set and dinner finally on the table, we sat down to eat.

Patrick was starving, basically shoveling forkfuls of pasta into his mouth.

Chewing and wiping his lips, he pointed at his plate, “So good!”

I winked at him, taking a bite myself.

Dinner was eaten in a comfortable silence. It was so quiet that Eleanor began to fall asleep at the table.

I stood to get her, but Patrick beat me to it.

“I got her, baby,”

Watching him interact with her made my clock start ticking. I mentally shook myself, standing and grabbing the dirty dishes.

I had just finished loading the dishwasher when Patrick had me in his arms again, “Dinner was delicious, thank you,”

I ran my hands up his arms, “You're welcome,”
Swaying gently from side to side, Patrick leaned down to kiss me.

Our kiss was slow and teasing as our hands roamed each other's bodies.

I broke away from the kiss, whispering his name, “Patrick,”

He slowly smiled at me, his lips moving ever so slightly as he said my name, “Y/N,”

Just as we were about to kiss again, his radio went off, making me jump.

“Goddamnit,” he hissed, grabbing it to lower the volume.

He listened to it carefully, the dispatcher requesting all firemen and back up to the station.

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