Sometimes Reality Is Better Than Dreams

Start from the beginning

Contentment coursed through her body as she leaned into him for a moment before swaying backwards so their bodies weren't touching and she tilted her head to the side with a slight pout as she said apologetically, "The food looks and smells delicious, but unfortunately, I have to go meet Davina and Josh for breakfast down the street."

"I understand. You haven't seen them in a while." he replied in an understanding tone of voice with a hint of disappointment but the crooked upturn of his lips was nothing less than sincere. The fact that he was so accepting sent a wave of affection through her as she offered him a beaming smile and she shivered when his hand slipped underneath the dress shirt she was wearing, grazing the back of her bare thigh almost teasingly.

Imogen sucked in a sharp breath as she reluctantly removed herself from his arms while shaking her head and he pouted playfully in her direction while she avoided his attempts to grab her around the waist. She planted her hands on her hips as she tilted her head to the side with a quirked eyebrow and she gave him a look of bemused disapproval as she scolded him in a playful tone, "Nope. I need to get ready. I'm already running late because I overslept. Someone, not naming names, but someone kept me awake last night, and then when I finally got to sleep, that same someone, still not naming names, woke me up...twice."

A roguish grin spread across his lips, not apologetic in the least as he sat down on the edge of the bed and watched as she took another sip of her coffee with a satisfied moan. He shifted his positon slightly when he felt himself harden, the quiet noise bringing back memories of the night before when she was making the same glorious sound for another reason entirely. It certainly didn't help matters when she strolled over to the armoire and the hem of his dress shirt from the night before swayed against her bare thighs tauntingly, daring him to remove it from obstructing the view.

"So, what your plans for the day?" she asked him idly as she searched through the closet for an acceptable outfit, sending him a brief smile over her shoulder and he watched her movements with a fond expression.

"It seems my brother has sent Jackson and one of his pack members to retrieve the black kyanite gemstones. Once they return we can move forward with our plan to spell the moonlight rings." he informed her with a forced sense of levity as he rolled his eyes subtly at his brother's tyrannical demands. She frowned when she heard the undercurrent of annoyance in his voice as she turned around to face him, one hand resting on the armoire and the other poised on her hip. He shook his head slightly, as though he was trying to rid himself of the dark thoughts that had crossed his mind and she slowly made her way towards him with a concerned expression as she came to a stop in between his legs. She rested one hand on his shoulder as she used the other hand to tilt his face upwards so he was forced to meet her eyes and she quirked an eyebrow in silent demand that he tell her what was going through his mind. He sighed heavily as his shoulders slumped in defeat and he looked away from her face for a moment before turning back as he told her solemnly, "I believe Niklaus has more diabolical intentions when it comes to the moonlight rings. I do not believe he wishes to solely alleviate the wolves from the torment of turning every full moon. Nothing he does is purely selfless, there has to be something more he's holding back."

"Do you believe the wolves deserve the moonlight rings?" she asked him in a serious tone of voice as she soothed her thumb over his cheekbone and he blinked in surprise, like he hadn't really considered his opinion on the matter important.

"Yes. I do." he answered truthfully after a moment of contemplation as he nodded his head once and he felt a warmth in his chest when she grinned brightly in response, like she was pleased with his answer.

"Then go with the flow, for now at least. Genevieve and I will work together to spell the rings, freeing the wolves from the full moon, and then once it's done, we'll worry about whatever nefarious plan Klaus has concocted in that diabolical mind of his. Okay?"

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