Introduction: Back Home

Start from the beginning

She giggles, "Anyways should we get? I mean we have enough time, look at the line." She scans over the line,

"I know right, we should've gotten here earlier." I say.

"Hmm okay... Let's see, do I want mint, or peanut butter? chocolate or vanilla? So many to choose from..." She continues to talk and I roll my eyes. "Ok I've got it, I want bl--" Her voice gets interrupted by multiple gun shots.

"Get down!" I yell as I yank Sarah down to the ground.

She starts to cry... "Shh don't cry, don't show them your vulnerability." She can't help herself, tears are streaming down her face. I put my arms around her and pull her close.

A masked man then starts to yell at everyone, "Ok everyone listen up! Everyone's gonna stay down and be quiet or I will shoot you!" As he talks three more masked gunmen scout the room... A lady screams and cries. I couldn't see who the lady was, but I hoped to god everything would turn out ok for her.

One of the masked people turns around and tells her to shut up... She doesn't... She continues to cry and cry and scream and scream. "I'll give you one last chance to stop or I will put a bullet right through you!" Again she doesn't stop sobbing. He then points his gun at her. I turn away from the sight of it, and cover Sarahs ears. I hear several shots... everything goes silent. I look back to where the lady was... she's dead... my heart starts pounding.

Just then my sister lets out a scream from the horrible thought of being shot too.

-If she didn't scream, she would not have died that day.-

The same guy who shot the older woman, turns to my sister, "I'm sorry did I just hear someone over here make a noise as well" I keep my head down, looking at the floor. Sarah does the same. "I'm pretty sure I heard someone," I then feel my sister being yanked from me, she screams. I look up, the man has his hands wrapped around her ponytail, with a smaller gun up to her head.

Tears begin streaming down my face, "Now why are you making me seem like I'm just hearing things? I am not crazy." He looks at my sister, "Am I?" She shakes her head no, then looks at me. His eyes lock with mine. "Now who is this?" He detaches from Sarahs hair and she holds her head, sobbing. "Let me guess, you're the big sister, huh?" He grabs me by my shirt, "Stand up."

"So help me God, if you lay one more fucking finger on her, I will place that bullet in you myself." Tears of anger swell up in my eyes.

"Oh no, I'm so scared," he laughs.

I look at my sister, she runs over and hugs me. "Don't do this Vee you'll die..." She hugs me tighter, tears build up in her eyes.

    Our eyes meet, "I'm sorry munch but I can't let you die." I lightly kiss her forehead, and wipe her tears away. Then I place my attention back on the masked man.

"Miss, if you would so kindly stand over here." Not wanting to put Sarah or my life in anymore danger, I follow his order and walk over to where he points. He holds his gun up to my head. I take a deep breath, my eyes burning from crying so hard.

"Please, don't do this."

"Now miss you don't ever talk to a man like that, do you understand" he gets close up to my face... "You're lucky I'd rather kill then rape you." He laughs, then puts the gun back up to my head. Heavier tears stream down my face.

"Stop! Don't kill her, please... don't kill her!" Sarah runs up to me, wrapping her arms around me. "Please..." She cries, hugging me tighter.

"Move away from her little girl." The man says, she doesn't move. "I said move!" She still stays by my side. He holds his gun up, I try to pull her behind me at the same time she tries to push the gun away but she trips, making it to where he shot her... right in her head...


    Police sirens fill the building. "Leave! The police are here! Run!" He yells at the other guys, everyone else stays down. The masked man then looks back at me smirking at the horrific death off my sister, then runs out the back of the building.

I fall to my knees, holding Sarah in my arms. I cry, and cry, I just can't stop, my face becomes soaked of all the tears I'm shedding for my poor baby sister. "I'm sorry munch... this is all my fault... I should've said no when you asked for ice cream and this would've never happened..." I hug her tight as my tears fall.

A hand lightly touches my shoulder, "I'm so sorry for your loss miss..."

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