THE PARK chapter 3

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So we start the music video to the song Tunnel Vision and teo grabbed jay by her hips

T: wassup lil baby
J: Nigga does I know you
T: nah I want to know you
J: Bruh get off me
T:okay miss hard to get
Khii: wassup lil mama
L:hey khii (blushes)
Khii:wanna be my gf
M:jay wanna be my gf
L:let's go home
  So we went to a hotel and went to the pool
L:let's go to the pool
Khii:okay lil baby
M: ight let's go
M: Ayo you coming
Ayo: yup baby

   We got in the pool and we played for a few hours and went back to the room
M:that's was lit bih bih yea
L: haha teo you crazy
J: Bruh you too funny
M: let's play t or d
Ayo: ok let's play .........

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