"Yuri Altin sounds good doesn't it?" Alina continues.

"I think I would prefer Yuri Plisetsky-Altin." I reply without thinking.

"You're right. The names of the two greatest skaters of all time would go together to create a power-house of a name!" Alina says passionately.

I laugh at her seriousness on the subject. I mean, it's not like I'm being serious...

A sudden realisation strikes me and I become aware of how weird this conversation is. I wasn't really paying attention to what I was saying but now that I think about it, I feel strange. The memory of the conversation leaves me flustered.

"Um, are you finished?" I ask.

"Yup." Alina answers happily. "Thank you for making breakfast."

"No problem, you helped too remember?" I say as I clean the table. "I'll leave the leftovers on the table for Beka when he wakes up."

"Otabek lets you call him Beka too? I've never heard any friend of his call him by a nickname before," Alina says. "You must be special to him like me." She finishes with a smile.

My breath hitches at her words. I can feel myself blushing. Why am I blushing? I guess after seeing all those people act friendly with Otabek last night, and the whole thing with Sabina, I'm happy to hear that I have some kind of higher placement above them all.

"Do you want to braid my hair?" I ask as a sudden change of subject.

Alina's face lights up with a huge grin.


[Otabek's POV]

I sit at the top of the stairs, listening intensely. They are getting along so well having breakfast together, I didn't want to disturb them...but also, I happened to stumble in on them talking about marriage. Yuri talked so casually about marrying me some day, I can't help but feel all giddy. My heart is racing. The warmth in my chest rises to my face, causing me to blush. Man, he would make a really handsome husband...

The clanking of dishes snaps me out of my daydream. I hear a mention of my name from downstairs but it's not in any further marriage discussion,

"I'll leave the leftovers on the table for Beka when he wakes up."

I guess they are done with breakfast...and with talking about Yuri marrying me. It's not like that's going to happen any time soon anyway. I'm sure Yuri was just being nice to Alina, and even I'm too young to get married right now so I can't imagine Yuri would want to.

I let out a disappointed sigh.

There is nothing more to eardrop on, I should head downstairs now. I gently slap my cheeks to shake off the lovey-dovey feeling clouding my mind before carrying on down the stairs. I enter the kitchen to find Alina perched on a chair with Yuri sitting on the floor in front of her getting his hair braided.

"Good morning you two." I greet, my mouth stretching into a smile.

"Morning." Yuri replies, looking at me suspiciously. "What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing really." I lie.

Yuri can't know I was listening to their conversation. I try to force myself to relax the muscles on my face but they won't budge; I'm smiling so hard it hurts. I can't help it. Happiness is bubbling up inside me. Looking at the two people I adore most getting along so well, seeing Yuri care so much for my little sister. I can just imagine him raising his own child someday. I don't care how tough he acts, he would love that child to bits...and I hope I'm going to be there to love it with him. I know we are both still way too young for marriage but that doesn't mean I don't want it to happen one day once we're older and have been together for a long time...if we even get together. Until Yuri is ready to admit his feelings we can't do anything, but that's if he even has any feelings. I'm getting way ahead of myself.


[Yuri's POV]

Otabek sits down at the table and helps himself to some piroshky. "I see Yuri has been cooking."

"He's amazing Beka." Alina tells him excitedly. "And, and! He taught me how to cook the piroshky as well, we made them together!"

"You helped cook these? They're awesome!" Otabek replies, rubbing the top of Alina's head.

"Hey! You're making my hair messy." She giggles.

Alina finishes platting the last of my golden locks and rests the braid over my shoulder. Her eyes glisten as she admires me,

"He looks like a beautiful princess!"

"So that was your hidden motive, turning him into the ice chick from that Frozen movie you like." Otabek laughs.

"Her name is Elsa. And I was not." Alina argues.

I cross my arms defensively. "First a bride, now a princess."

The words slipped out without me realising that Otabek is here now, and I definitely do not want him to know about our earlier conversation.

"I think I look like a dashing prince." I announce proudly, dismissing the subject of brides. I get up off the ground and bow to Alina. "Now if you will excuse me, milady, I must retire to the bathroom."

Alina giggles as I make my exit, walking funnily like a stuck-up king. She really is adorable; no wonder Otabek loves her so much.


[Otabek's POV]

Alina clutches her stomach as she laughs but soon after Yuri leaves, she settles down and leans over to me.

"Psst, Beka." Alina whispers. "Yuri is really pretty."

"I know." I reply with a smile.

"Pretty enough to be your wife?" Alina prods.

"What are you talking about, cheeky monkey?" I chuckle as I wrap my arm around Alina and tickle her tummy.

Alina laughs and flails her limbs until finally fighting me off.

"I want you to marry Yuri of course," She says. "So that he can cook breakfast with me everyday."

I stare down at Alina, my mouth stretching into a smile.

"He doesn't have to be your wife," Alina continues. "You would both make very handsome husbands, like that other Yuuri and Victor."

Little does she know that I have been yearning for a relationship like theirs since the moment I met them, and I would give anything for it to be with Yuri.

"Yeah..." I reply. "We would."

Bromance with Benefits - Close to him sequel {YOI Fanfic, ft. Otayuri & Victuri}Where stories live. Discover now