Chapter XI Adrians P.O.V

Start from the beginning

"Kain listen to me..." I try again.
He just won't let me explain myself now will he...

"No, you can have her. She is just a slut anyways..." Kain spits and turns around.
My anger flared up inside of me.
I grab him and spin him around.
I slam him into the wall.
Maybe to far but I don't care.
Noel is no slut.
She is so pure it's unreal.
Hearing him say that snaps something inside of me.
If Kain was sober he could easily shove me off, but since he is drunk he can't really overpower me.

"I have tried to be nice to you but you will not listen. Nothing happened Kain. Noel didn't touch me. I didn't touch her..." I say and let him go.
He looks at me shocked.
Yeah that's right dumbass.

"Nothing happened?" Kain looks at me questioningly.
He still doesn't believe me.
He thinks that I meet a girl and I just want to fuck her...
That's fucked up guys.

"Yes, Kain nothing happened. You of all people I thought would know that..." I turn and open the door.
I walk away towards the garage.
All the boys stand shocked because they obviously heard everything.
Let them know.
I didn't touch her in a sexual way.
I can't just say I didn't touch her because I did.

I grab my keys off the holder and get in my car.
She roars to life and I calm down slightly.
I take off without looking back.
I need to relieve some stress.
I pull up to an all to familiar place.
A grave yard.
The smell of dirt and moss fills my nose I begin to walk.
Walking to a familiar spot.

Here lies Jeremy Marshall

The final resting place of my only family.
My brother.
I sat down and leaned against the gravestone.
His name makes me remember all the times I looked out for him.
I tried so much to make sure he wouldn't get hurt.
Just that one time I wasn't there and I will pay for it 'till I die.

I look up at the sky and my heart feels heavy.
I miss him so much.
I miss his larger than life personality.
Everything about him was always better than me...

If he were here today he would definitely be a womanizer.
With his dark brown hair and dark green eyes.
Every girl would have fallen to his feet.
I know he was better looking than me.
That didn't bother me because he was my brother.
I wouldn't have cared if he was better than me at everything.
If he were here I would let him get away with murder.
Only of he were here...

"Jeremy, I met someone who is dealing with the same things we went through..." I whisper and watch the clouds pass over head.
I picture his face if he would have heard what I said.
Anger and rage is all I see.
Jeremy had a temper.

"She is so scared of any touch it's sad... It's like us..."
My hands fiddle with the grass covering my brothers casket.
I know Jeremy would march right to Noel's house and kill the fucker.
He would take her in and protect her from everything.
If he were here things would be different.
He would be the good guy and I would be the devil.
I have always had a more dangerous side of me.
I get it form my father...

"Kain likes her..." I say with a laugh.
I picture Jeremy knowing Kain and how he would react if he knew Kain liked her.
He would kill Kain.
That's one thing for sure.

"I know, he has a lot to learn." I smile as the tears grow heavier in my eyes.
He wouldn't want me to cry but I can't help it.
I miss the only person who breaks my heart everyday.
It hasn't been long enough for me to ever stop crying as I sit upon his grave.

It's only been a year.
And that year has been the worst part of my life.
All the pain and memories drown me everyday.
All the times I shielded Jeremy away from my father's extreme punishment.
I wanted him to grow up and be normal when if that meant ruining myself...

Jeremy died the same year Kain lost his family
I think that's why Kain took me under his wing.
He knew I was going to die if he didn't.
I was a wreck.

"I miss you..." I whisper and look away from the sky as the tears stream down my face.
I imagine Jeremy with me trying to make me smile again.
The times I would take the pain he would always be sure to fix me up.
Stitch up the wounds and relocate my joints.
I never hated him for it either.
I would have died for him.

"I know you don't want me to cry, but it's hard..." My hands wipe the stray tears away.
Jeremy hated when I cried.
He would lie ontop of me until I stopped.
I remember Jeremy always feeling terrible when I cried.
He would say that if I didn't stop he was going to go find dad and have him do what he did to me on him.
That always made me shut up.

"I just want to see you one last time ya know..." I say and turn to look at the gravestone.
I remember him clear as day, but that doesn't mean I never want to see him again.

"You died way to soon. You had a life to look forward to Jeremy..." I trace the words etched into his stone.

Lost too soon but loved forever

"I hope you are at peace up there..." My hands stop on the last words.

Dearly missed by those who loved him
Especially his big brother Adrian

"I love you little bro..." I stand to my feet and look back to the sky.
I know he's up there looking over me and that's why I'm not dead yet.
I have had many close calls being apart of Kains gang.
He is a very dangerous person.

"Until next time..." I say and shove my hands into my pocket.
I slowly walk back to my car and drive back to the house.
Hopefully Kain has pulled his head out of his ass.
What am I saying Kain never pulls his head out if his ass...

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