Author's Note(s)

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I know a lot of people didn't want the Tunbling Down trilogy to end. And honestly, I was sad to finish it as well. I had been thinking about what the character's lives would've been like after Matthew was born and I decided to write a little more.

Before anything else, though, I wanna thank everyone who's read, commented, and voted on this story. It means the world to me.

Before reading: I just want to advise you to NOT read these one shots if you haven't finished the trilogy. There will be hella spoilers.

Also: these one shots do NOT go on chronological order. I wrote them as the ideas came to me, so they won't be in order of when the one shots would have occurred. If you are confused and wish for me to put them in order, I can do that. But just let me know.

I hope you guys like what is to come! Happy reading!

-Gina Marie ❤

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