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It had been ten years since Zane had taken over the pack. In those ten years, he had learned a great deal about being both a Second and an Alpha. Alex had grown and matured as well. Over the last year, Zane had been letting him run the pack. He still visited and would in the future but Alex had proven he was worthy of being an Alpha. He wasn't as dominant as Zane but he was close. The pack was doing well under his control. Their finances had improved a great deal. The new packhouse was saving them money on heating in winter, cooling in summer, the power bill was usually a credit, not a charge, and the pack loved the new building as it both had the latest amenities and paid homage to their past.

Currently he was sitting in the office which was soon to be Alex's permanently, "You've learned well Alex. It is time for me to hand the pack over to you." Alfred had been doing well for Blackwater and his sister had taken over Midnight Forest and was also doing well.

Alex had much more settled and confidence with handling the pack now, "So, do I still need to fight you? I'm not sure I could ever beat you with the half-staffs." The were much closer in Alex's preferred hand to hand, but with Zane's half-staffs... Alex would be on his back fast. Usually, if Zane did punishments, he used half staffs most of the time.

Zane snorted, "Alex, there are a number of ways to take over a pack. Challenges are one way to do it but there can be a willing change of leadership as well. I'm going to step down and hand the necklace over to you. Technically that would make me an Elder but that is rather silly at my age. I'll still be a pack member but no longer Alpha. You have a solid Second, a good team working for you and the pack has grown well over the last ten years. If nothing else I'll end up as a pack friend." He shrugged as he sipped on some coffee. He had grown to enjoy being Alpha but as much as he had come to love this pack, Wild Valley would always be for him.

Alex nodded and was relieved, "That sounds much better. I know you have been spending more time at Wild Valley in preparation. How and when are you wanting to do this transfer?" That he was going to not be full of bruises for the handing over of the power was something he looked forward to. Even though he could fight, he very much didn't like to. His second made sure he stayed in top form and did the training he needed, otherwise he would likely skip many times. He would prefer to run than stay in a circle for several rounds.

Zane leaned forward and looked very serious when he spoke, "If you do wish we could have a challenge. That would be totally up to you but I would honour it. That would be totally up to you." Oh damn he was probably going to get yelled at by Summer Song and Izzy.

Alex nearly panicked at that, "No! We don't need a challenge. We can definitely skip that part!"

Zane started laughing, "Gotchya, Alex. I don't have any urge to challenge you. I firmly believe you are going to be the better Alpha for this pack. Even now they have some reservations about me. I'm not the friendliest person and tend to be hard when it comes to certain issues. The pack cares for you and it helps having one of the pack as your mate. They do love Izzy and our pups but me? They do care but there is more respect than caring. As far as the turn over..." He leaned back in the chair and looked at the far side of the room.

"I think the turn over should be on the moon night. As far as the turn over, we're wolves, simple, straight forward, and be done with it. I address the pack, you address the pack, I hand the necklace over, we touch foreheads and you assume the bonds." He gave Alex a slight grin, "Mind you after that you'll be down for a day or two but such is life."

Alex growled at Zane before he nodded, "That works; as long as the pack accepts the transfer. I have heard of some that refused. So not looking forward to that, nor is Song, as the transfer will involve her too. Just glad it is a passing pain, and with a pair, should be only down for a day. The old adage of 'Pain shared is pain halved' really is true for us."

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