Act four

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 ~Tasuku and Jack run in the park and saw the green haired boy ~

Tasuku: Doctor Gara...!

Gara: Hello, Tasuku Ryuenji. (eat lollipop and evil smirk)

Tasuku: Where's Gao-kun?

Gara: Ore-sama wonder where is he...? (evil smirk)

Tasuku: (angry and got tac mark) Are you digging your grave, Doctor Gara!? And how did you escape the prison again?

Gara: Ore-sama has a ways, baakaa! (laughs evil)

Tasuku: (pissed off) What did you done with Gao-kun? 

Gara: (evil smirk) Guess~ Maybe Ore-sama fucked him~

Tasuku: (looks down as bangs cover his angry eyes) Bastard, you'll pay for using my feelings!

Gara: (laughs evil and bite his lollipop) And what will you do~ Kill ore-sama?

Jack: Tasuku, don't let him provoke you...

Tasuku: (points at Gara) You anger the wrong person! Now you'll pay for this! Dragon force! Style of justice! Release!

Gara: N-no.. Not this again...

Tasuku: (angry) Give me back my Gao-kun!

Jack: Tasuku calm down!

Tasuku: No! I'll protect Gao-kun from everyone!

Gara: (sigh and clap with his fingers) Zodiac!

Zodiac: (bring Gao to them)

Tasuku: Gao-kun! (happy to see him)

Gao: (still weak from the chloroform) T-Tasuku-senpai...

Tasuku: Doctor Gara! Release him now! (glare evil at Gara)

Gara: (evil smirk) Why don't we play a game, hmm~

Tasuku: Game? Buddyfight?

Gara: No you silly. Deadly game. (evil smirk still bitting his lollipop)

Jack: Don't do it, Tasuku!

Tasuku: (smirk) Fine by me. If I win, you'll release Gao-kun and back in jail. If you win, you can kill me and got your revenge!

Gara: (evil smirk) Fine. Ore-sama accept this, Tasuku Ryuenji!

~ They started the deadly game ~

Gao: Tasuku-senpai... Win... Please...

~ To be continue ~


I hope you like it...

Next act is coming soon... ^^

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