I Love Busking

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Charlotte's POV:

I stood up and walked to my little corner on the same street that I always busk on. No one else busks there. It has literally become known as 'Charlotte's Corner'. I love busking.

Considering I am only sixteen I am fairly well known in the community for my busking. I live in Dublin. So I am Irish and have the fortune of having the Southern Irish accent. So a big top of the morning to ye!

So as I set up i have a couple of people look up from what they are doing and smile. They love it when i come and busk ... For some reason.

This may sound as if i am over confident and cocky but i am not. I am never really confident and i am well aware of alienating myself from the flock of sheep.

I'm like the flashing neon pink sheep in a bunch of dull white sheep. ... If you get the analogy.

What to sing.

"Anyone have any requests?" I shouted

Andy looks up from his newspaper as he sat outside his offlicence.

"Start with your usual. You can really do the high notes in this one," Andy said.

I smiled.

My usual it is.

I strummed the intro.

"Going ... Back to the corner

where i first saw you

gonna camp in my sleeping bag

i'm not gonna move..." I sang and carried on singing.

Very soon i had a small crowd in front of me listening and clapping to the beat when I sang the last chorus.

"You killed it Char. That was brilliant," Andy shouted.

I smiled once more.

As you can probably tell .... I don't go busking for the money. I go because I love the atmosphere and the love that comes with music.

"Any more requests?" I shouted.

"If you could see me now!" Someone shouted.

I felt a pang hit me where I least wanted it to hit.

My heart.

My Dad had been the most supportive of me with my music than anyone. Despite his job he was always there when I needed a boost.

He was one of those that went into an area that a bomb had just exploded and he went in there to see if there was anything to salvage or anyone else to save. He had managed to save so many people my Dad. And yet even though they had given him the all clear what they did not know was the fact that there was a disguised bomb just waiting to explode. And I am guessing you can infer what happened next. My Dad got blown high sky and into a million peices. Did he feel any pain? Is he watching over me now?

I hear a snap of fingers that snaps me out of my reverie.


"Is that a bad song for ye Char?" He asked.

"Its painful but i guess that is what makes it better. If people can feel the emotion in it so guys If You Could See Me Now it is.

I strummed my fingers delicately.

"Ohh if you could see me now," I sang shakily. No! Get a grip!

"Ohh if you could see me now," I sang again. This time not shaky but packed with emotion. That's better.

"It was Febuary fourteenth valentimes day.

The roses cam but they took you away.

Tattooed on my arm is a charm to disarm over harm

gotta keep myself calm but the truth is your gone

And i never gotta show you these songs.

Dad you should see the tours that i am on

i see you standing there next to mum

both singing along

yeah arm in arm," I sang.

By the end of the song I and a couple of other members of the crowd was crying.

Okay a song to cheer us up.

"A cheery song guys?" I asked.

Hall Of Fame was the agreed response.

Wow these people must love The Script as much as I do.

I strummed my fingers across the strings. That did not sound right. Hang on where is my caopo?

I delve into my pockets and find it. I put it on then start strumming again. That's better.

By the end of the song I've got people smiling away.

"Thank you guys. Well they say good things come in threes so i shall leave you with that. Thank ye for listening," I said. I cleared up and then walked away from my corner.

When i get home Ma is waiting for me. She was on her laptop.

"Hey Ma. How's it going?" I asked. Putting my guitar on the table.

"Not bad how was the corner?" Ma asked.

"Andy was out again so he really got the crowd going," I said with a smile.

"What did ye sing?" She asked.

"Well I started with my usual and then i gave it to the crowd so they said If You Could See Me Now and Hall Of Fame to finish," I said.

"Wow. You know. When ye get famous you will be great with concerts and tours you really know how to make a crowd clap cry laugh and scream," She said.

I smiled.



There was something wrong with that sentence.

"Don't ye mean IF i get famous?" I asked.

"No. When; I've signed you up for The Voice UK. There are two auditions before the blind audition in which ye will have to go to. But i'm stuck on the song and whether ye wanna have a musical instrument with ye!" Ma admitted.

"Wait .... Do i get a choice in this?" I asked.

"Nope!" She said.

"Fine. Live Like We're Dying and drums," I said.

"By who?" Ma asked.

I was about to say The Script but instead i said:

"Kris Allen," I answered.

My Ma's fingers were a blur on the keyboard.

"Right if ye don't mind i am gonna incarcarate myself into my bedroom and sulk for the next two hours while i try to contemplate this new scheme of yours to ruin my life i said half jokingly.

"You do that. See ya Charlie," I said.

Charlie is my preffered name. I love that name.

I climb the stairs and go into my room. I flop down on my bed stick my earphones in and play a random song from my song list.

Live Like We're Dying.

God danmit!

As much as I didn't want to listen I knew i had to so i turned the volume up and put it on repeat.

Thanks ma.

Tanks a million!

A/N: Okay so this is the first chapter. I am a little anxious about this story. I want it to be as popular as my other Voice story on my past account. The other story was called Ahould I? Should I Not? It was in the words of others a 'huge hit' and 'so popular'. I doubt this book will even get that far but there is always hope. So vote and comment. I love to hear whwt you think.

The Contestant. (A The Voice fan fiction.) Book One.Where stories live. Discover now