I gave her a smile for her fluttering as she was. As she spoke she was looking at her clothes,  making sure it was not wrinkled, then patting her hair to make sure it was still as it should be. She had pulled me into a bedroom that seemed to be unoccupied by anyone, and a desk with a mirror on top was to the left of the door to the room. Hana seemed to notice the desk at the same time I did, for she then moved to it and peered in it to see what she looked like more properly.

"Sorry,  you will just have to find out on your own." I said, wanting to cause her a bit of trouble, but also wanting her to recognize Danny on her own. She hissed at me when I heard someone coming our way. Smiling mischievously,  I walked out of the room when Hana wasn't looking and met Danny on my way out.

He had put on his own deerskin clothes which consisted of makeshift shorts only. Rabbit tufts were used as the belts to hold his daggers on the shorts, and his chest was left bare. But on his chest was a scar that he got when we were very little, first learning how to make daggers by our mother. Danny had put his hair up in a high pony tail at the top  of his head, making me smile.

Even though his efforts to look clean were futile, since he forgot about his beard that we were slightly able to control while in the woods, I still applauded him for his efforts. He stood a head above me now, his growing spurts probably done by now, but he would always be my little brother. He gave me a cheesy smile and looked from me to where I had come from, then back again.

My plan was to leave the two alone so that they could aqua it themselves better without my presence,  but judging on how Danny looked, I hoped that Hana would not run from the room screaming bloody murder. Because the two of us most definitely looked haggard from our time in the woods, enough to be mistaken of being Rouges at the very least.

Luckily though, there are some Werewolf packs live more like real wolves instead of humans, not caring for the human way of things much. These packs were quite rare though.

After making a decision, I stepped aside and let Danny through, following behind him so that if he wanted my help, I would not be too far away. The entrance of the house was immediately cut off by a wall that was the start of a hallway going both left and right. The wall had a hole in it though, big enough to put shoes in it, with a coat rack stationed to the wall just beside the shoe area. The room she had pulled me into was but a few steps along the hallway to the right.

As soon as Danny entered the room, I put my back against the wall directly beside the door frame, so that I caught anyone on the way out. I held my breath for my brother as I heard someone give a sharp intake of breath. Then after what felt like forever, I heard them coming to the door, and a second later they both came out of the room. Hand in hand, they were staring deep into each others eyes as they came out, the only acknowledgement I got was a smile from my brother as he went by.

They went off to the right again, going further into the house and I went off to the left to find my pups. After I passed the doorway again, I saw a single room to the left of the hall. After this room was an archway that led to the kitchen, dining room and living room. I suspected that if I continued to go down the hall, all that I would find would be bedrooms.

The kitchen was very open, with counter tops all across the north-west walls. A dark wooded table -probably mahogany or ebony- stood about 12 feet from the north-west corner. Half way down the northern wall, the counter stopped because a fridge stood at the end. Almost immediately after the fridge, two couches stood facing the eastern wall, where a flat screen TV was hung.

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