"Thank sis, you're the best sister in the world"

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* 4 months later *
And now it is a reality, the journey goes to London in about a month, we've been saving for almost two years and we have to be away for six weeks.
I said yes because I want to see London, there are many exciting things to see there and in the sorrounding area, so it is not because I believe in their plan to find Tom and also, well I would still fear that they are entitled, that he is another person in reality.
Yet I still decided to pull myself together, for the first time in my life, I have changed my eating habits and I have exercised as much as I am allowed and yes've lost almost 40 lbs, my excuse is that I want to look good and feel good, and be as healthy as possible.
And even I must admit that it has made a huge difference, much more than I had imagined, it is as if there has emerged a whole new person, a much prettier person.
But perhaps much of it is about self-confidence to look at oneself in the mirror and actually for the first time in my adult life be happy with what I see.
I just got out of the bath after my run when my phone rings, it's my sister, I am wondering what she want ?
I take the phone and receive the call. "Hey Sis, you were lucky, I just got out of the bath."
"Well I have a surprise for you, an early birthday gift if you will, I have provided you two tickets to a charity gala the day after landing in London and guess who will receive an award?" My sister says excitedly.
My brain is running in top gear, can it really be true. "Seriously? Do you mean it for real sis ?"
"As if I would dare tease you with him, you know I wouldn't, so yes it is one hundred percent true, I don't know how big it is and how many are coming, but you will at least get a chance to see him. " She replies.
Sometimes I truly love my sister, she thinks I'm silly, yet she does this because she knows how happy I will be. "Thanks sis, you're the best sister in the world".
"I just hope you get a good night and it might help you get him out of your head and get on with your life." She says.
Yes of course, she hopes that I can see how mixed up it is and she has the right, I understand her excellently and some part of me hope she's right, it would be nice not to feel like this.
"Thanks again sis, I'll get me some lunch." It's not that I don't like my sister, but I fear another 'when you come home from vacation and ready to get on with your life' speech.
"You're welcome, and yes we'll talk." And then she is gone and I go to the kitchen and find some salad and a chicken breast, one thing is certain, I will certainly keep my weight down, maybe even loose a few kilos extra and tighten up a bit.
My head can not really contain it yet, I get to actually see him, hear his voice in reality and not just on television, it's fine if it's just from a distance, it will still save my year at least.
Mary is at work, so I sent her a text message telling her the news and she answer back that it will be so cool and we have go out and buy gala dresses.
After I've eaten I go into the room and throw myself on the couch, and I end up lying there watching old panels and interviews on youtube, mostly because it makes me in a better mood to look at Tom.
Especially the panel with Zachary Levi from Nerd HQ I have seen that a few times, he is also just a little hot and they just have a super chemistry, you can clearly see that they are actually friends.
It strikes me again that I actually get to see him, wondering how he looks close up ? How his voice sounds ? I wonder if my head can handle it or I'm going to cry?
And if I would dare to go say hi to him if I get the chance? Or will I be too shy?
No matter what, the trip is going to be one of the greatest experiences of my life, I'm quite sure.

What dreams may come (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now