I kissed the lot of them to sleep and popped my head out of my den. The sun had set and the moon was up. The stars were harder to see from our new spot, but we could still talk. I told Danny of what happened to me and we both agreed that we should start up our training again in the morning. With that said, we have already been out in the woods for longer than a years' time. The days were growing shorter and colder, winter was coming, and we had to prepare.

We were now using bones that were sharp enough to skin our prey and get their skins, then we cleaned them at the river and let them dry in the sun. We cleaned out the skulls of the animals that we caught thoroughly in the river and we were now able to use them as bowls to hold small amounts of water.

When winter finally came, my pups were big enough to start shifting between human and Wolf.  I did my best to keep them from doing so though, unwilling to have the little ones freeze out in the snow. Since they were big enough, I allowed them to explore the small area outside of the den, Danny loving to play with them. They were a bit skittish around Danny at first, but soon they warmed up to him as he let them chase his tail around. Their curiosity for everything made them adventurous,  which gave a lot of trouble to Danny when I left him alone with them.

My little ones were prefect angels when I was around though, so when Danny complained one night that Angela would be the death of him, I had a great laugh. When I told Danny their names, I had written them down in the dirt and pushed each pup up to their name. He also agreed that these names were much better than the ones that he had chosen for them. 

The snow fell late this year, but my pups were happy to jump around in the soft whiteness that fell from the sky. They yipped happily as they rolled around, then gave a cry as they changed in their skins to find the snow much too cold. Laughing, I had them change back to their fur and they were fine again. When they were starting to get cold, I brought each one in the den again, and let them warm up in my fur. Their small Wolf teeth had me stopping them from feeding from me when they are in their furs, but they quickly caught on that they would be fine if they changed to their skins since they didn't have teeth yet in that form.

Last winter, When it was just Danny and I, we did not have any pelts to keep us warm, but now we had plenty. Danny could keep his own den warm and I was able to lay with my pups in my skin in peace.
When I awoke the next day, I made sure my pups were asleep before leaving my den so that Danny and I could get in some much needed practice. Now that we had been staying in our furs almost constantly, we were much more in tuned to what we could and couldn't do as a wolf. When we put on some clothes that I had made from the pelts, using strips of leather to sew the pelts together, we used bone knives and daggers to attack one another.

My dark hair had grown out long over the time that we stayed in our furs, so I tied my hair up with a piece of leather. Danny asked me to cut his hair with a knife, but it was a lot easier said than done. We could only get our tools so sharp; if there was enough force in the hit, our tools easily cut flesh, but hair was altogether a different substance. It took a while, and a lot of pain on my brothers part, but we got his hair cut.

When we were both ready, we crouched down and circled one another slowly. We each had a dagger in our hands, poised for attack. Soon we circled enough so that the rising sun was at my back, and when Danny got blinded, I used my chance to attack. Taking him off guard, I growled as I jumped at him, ready to place the dagger at his throat. Instead, Danny rolled out of the way, and came up to my right, swiping at my arm. I jumped back and we then resumed circling each other, both of us growling at one another. I tripped then, and Danny used my  fault to attack, but I turned my trip into a roll, and used it against him, getting behind him and grabbing his arm. I twisted it behind him with my left arm, and held up the dagger to his throat.
"Check mate." I said, making him growl at me. I waited until he nodded his defeat to release him.

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