Chapter Four

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I soon heard Danny shift back into his fur as he poked his head into the den. I felt his eyes land on me and I opened an eye to see a big Wolfish grin on his face. When I deemed he saw all three of my lovelies for long enough I growled softly at him so I could go to sleep.

He seemed to get the message and left, followed by the sound of him going into his den a few moments later. I huffed, content to getting my energy back as my Wolf and I thought of my pup's father. What would he say, if he knew of their existence?

The thought of him though, soon had my mind on my parents. From where they were, they were probably not happy with how I got them, but I'm sure that they would love them as I do, the first moment that they saw them. Like I knew Danny did, the moment he saw his niece and nephews. As we fell asleep, I felt my Wolf sadden that their father was not here to share this moment with us.

But then, to placate both my Wolf and I, I thought about how we age. We age as humans do until we reach twenty - the age to find our mates - then start to age slower once we meet them. If our mate turns out to be a human then we continue to age as humans do, but if not, then the ages start to pile up. One year for a wolf starts to be every four human years, once we reach thirty Wolf years then it goes up; every Wolf year equals twelve human ones.

I whimpered when I thought of our mate. Would he accept the fact that I had another wolf's pups? Or would he try to kill them? I wouldn't allow it, if he tried, it would rip me up inside as I would reject him. My Wolf didn't like it, but she agreed. Not even our mate could get between me and my pups.

I moved to give my pups better access as I opened an eye lazily. They were so small and defenceless at the moment, making my love for them only grow. I will protect my little ones until the end of my days.





The next few weeks were quite interesting to say the least. Each day I awoke to food being left just inside my den, thanks to Danny. I knew that he left it there both for my convenience and so he could get a glimpse of the pups. I laughed at him the second night when he proclaimed that he had chosen names for the three of them. Though they were good ideas, they were not names I would give to my children.

I finally decided to call my boys Caleb and Nathan and my girl will be called Angela. Humming happily, when they were big enough to be left alone, I finally left the den. I happily pranced around, glad to be out in the open. I never ventured far from my den of pups, but they were sleeping and Danny was nearby. So the most I did was run to the stream that we shared with the bears and took a short but long awaited bath.
I trotted back to my den, happy to be clean again when the sent of a fox hit my nose. I growled and picked up my pace to a sprint. Hadn't Danny been doing his job with keeping the territory? I ran to my den, the sent of foxes getting stronger. I howled for Danny, where was that boy?

I let out a feral growl when I saw the fox coming out of my den, my small Angela being carried by the scruff. She was staying still, but her body was tense enough to let me know that she was alive. The fox froze when it saw me, it's body going rigid as it watched my moments. It's eyes seemed to mock me as it knew it held the life of my pup in its jaws. I saw my brother silently climb on top of the rock that my den was under. He was waiting for my signal, and I slowly made my way to my pup.

How dare this fox think that it could steal from me; Alpha Werewolf of the last Dire Wolf line? I growled louder, warning it to put down my pup gently, or die by my fangs. It walked out of my den slowly and I was half way there. If I was not careful Angela might get hurt. Just as I was about to attack, the fox bolted, and I gave chase. I growled for Danny to watch my den as I ran after that fox with all that I had.

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