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moment of silence. Many of you were lucky enough to have known my brother personally. Each and every one of you meant the world to Jason. I loved my brother, he was and always will be my soulmate," Cheryl's eyes searched around the gymnasium then stopped when they landed on Beverly's. Beverly gave her two thumbs and an encouraging smile, to which Cheryl accepted.

"So I speak with confidence only a twin could have. Jason wouldn't want us to spend the year mourning, Jason would want us to move on with our lives. Which is why I've asked the school not to cancel the back-to-school semiformal,"Everyone was glad that the dance wasn't canceled. Rumors started running around after Jason's death, about the dance being canceled, and most people feared they would have to mourn for the rest of the year. "But rather, to let us use it as a way to heal collectively and to celebrate my brothers too, too short life on this mortal coil. Thank you all."

Beverly got up from her seat once Cheryl walked away from the podium and made her way down the bleachers, until her name was being repeatedly called.

"Beverly! Beverly! Beverly Carrington stop moving," She stopped as she got to the last step and turned around to see a breathless Reggie, resting the palms of his hands against his knees in a crouched position.

"I thought you were suppose to be athletic?" Beverly raised a brow at the sight in front of her. "Did you need anything?"

Reggie straighten up, rubbing the back of his neck as he came up. "I was wondering if you wanted to head over to Pop's after school? I'm paying too, if that helps."

Beverly stared at him with a curious glance. Reggie Mantle and nervous did not go together, but it seemed things have changed. "Love the offer on the free food, but I have cheerleading tryouts to manage. Maybe some other time?"

His face fell when she declines his offer, but her offering to go another time still gave him hope. "Have fun then, see you around Beverly." Reggie gives her a small smile, then jogs back up the bleachers and out the exit.

She wanted to call out his name and say that she had changed her mind, but he was already out the door before she had the chance.

Beverly turned around, and let out a yelp at the sight of the red head standing right behind her. "Oh my god, Cheryl, how long have you been standing there," she shrugged her shoulders and looked at the doors at the top.

"Long enough to see you ogling over Reginald," Beverly's face flushed in embarrassment, not expecting her to notice that much.

"I was not ogling over Reggie, never in a million years," she explained, trying to get herself out of this mess before Cheryl would actually put the two together herself.

"Sure you weren't, but the lingering eyes are saying something else," Beverly rolled her eyes, dragging Cheryl out the doors.

"I don't like him, never will and never would," she says a bit louder this time, only making Cheryl chuckle.

"Saying your lie louder, doesn't make it true," was the last thing Cheryl said about the topic before she went on about dreading about going to class.

Believe in yourself and go for it.

veracity; reggie mantleWhere stories live. Discover now