Chapter 4

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I thought walking home would do me some good. I thought it would clear my head, but it didn't. Instead for the hour walk, I felt a mixture of feelings thinking he would come after me. He didn't, and if I'm being honest I was a little bit disappointed.

Relief washing through me as soon as I close the front door behind me shutting out the outside world. I push my back against the door and let out a deep breath that releases the anxiousness that built up inside of me.

"Where are you coming from?" My dad's voice causes me to jump throwing my head back and hitting it on the door.

"Ow." I rub my head while I walk to the couch to sit down next to him. "I had to go meet with an endorser to discuss things with the website." I realize what I said and look around.

"It's just me. No need to worry." Thank god. "How did it go?"

I inhale, "Well, let's just say I was ambushed."


My dad around knows about the website, might as well tell him where I get some of my help from. "Yeah, one of the endorsers is actually Mr. Minkus."

I see my dad putting the pieces together. "Let me guess, he actually called you over there to talk to Farkle?"


He hesitates a little, "You haven't talked to him or the others since you left, well besides Zay. Why did you stop the letter with him?"

"Honestly, he told me that he had forgiven Maya and Lucas. I knew eventually he would try to convince me to come back. I wasn't ready for that, and I still don't think I am."

"Well, how did it go with Farkle?"

I sigh, "Better than expected I guess." I look down at my hands. "I'm actually a little tired. I think I'm just going to call it a night."

My dad laughs, "It's a little after six."

"Give me a break I had an eventful day. Where's mom and Auggie anyways?"

"Mom hit a snag in a case. She probably won't be home for a couple more hours. And Auggie is with Ava. Those two are attached at the hip." I wonder if he knows about the promise ring. It's my dad of course he knows. "You know he got her a ring." See.

I let a small smile play at my lips, "I know. He showed me. It's a beautiful ring. Has mom warmed up to the idea of Ava yet?"

"Your mom and Ava have one of those relationships where they live to annoy each other, but they really love each other." He laughs, "They're Topi and Ava."

"That they are." I smile and look at my dad, "Are you excited for Saturday?" I ask him.

"Of course, it's like marrying your mother all over again. Plus, you and Auggie will be there." He turns he head away from me. "I'm sorry I didn't warn you that your mom and I invited everyone."

"Why did you guys?" Curiosity showing through my voice.

"Well," he clears his throat, "they've always been here. Farkle and Smackle both stayed close and went to Columbia. Maya and Zay went to NYU, but Lucas he was the only one to leave. He went to Texas A&M after a semester off. No matter what, at least one of them would ask about you monthly. It was like clockwork." They did? "Your mom and I never told you because you wanted to cut all ties with them. They just wanted to make sure you were safe wherever it is that you were." He lets out a chuckle. "Farkle went as far as trying to bribe us for your whereabouts."

"He did?"

"Yeah, they all did something to try to get us to tell them. I almost told. Lucas-"

I cut him off, I didn't want to hear about him. "Dad I'm really tired. I'm going to go to bed." I reach over and hug him. "Goodnight."

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