The Spurious Resort

Start from the beginning

The lobby was sterile and modern for the time period, being the 34th century. Everything was glass, aside from some of the necessary white supporting structures on the chairs and tables. There were red roses in glass pots on each circular coffee table, with the dirt arranged specifically to hide the roots of the flower.

A mundane woman sat at a glass desk by the steel lift, the receptionist. Her hair was dyed white and pined back into a tight bun, which accented her blood-red lips. Her eyes were purple, a common cosmetic surgery for the humans in the time period.

"How may I help you?" she asked in a fake cheery tone.

"One room, please. The highest floor possible," I smiled and handed her the card I had gotten with my sonic a while ago. It had unlimited credits, which came in handy for any level seven planets.

She swiped my card and her mood instantly brightened, thinking that I was filthy rich.

"Room 98 for you, sir. I'd be happy to accompany you if you'd like," she flirted, and I felt Gem's grip on my hand tighten uncomfortably.

"I've got a fantastic partner. She's beautiful, smart, and just overall brilliant in every way. I'm not leaving her anytime soon," I summarized Gem to get the receptionist away from me.

"I don't see her," the woman spat at Gem, making her grip tighten even more.

Gem let my hand go all together as the receptionist and her stared at each other with deadly ferocity.

Gem made the first move by abruptly pulling back her arm and slamming her fist into the receptionist's nose. The sickening crack followed as her knuckles crushed her nose. The woman cried out in pain while Gem shook her hand. She took her other hand and made it find its way into mine, a gesture I appreciated.

"Did I mention? She also has a very good punch," I sighed and watched the receptionist frantically search for medical supplies.

"It's broken in three places, dear. You might want to get it checked out," Gem smiled sincerely and curtsied in the lift when the door opened for us.

"That was brilliant," I praised her as she leaned on me gently.

"Good. Next time, just let me handle your many fans. It's just easier to slog them, and a lot more entertaining," she giggled as the lift started up.

"Violent today, aren't we?" I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Not at all, sweetie. Protective," she declared with the usual sass in her tone.

Our elevator had made it to the 98th floor moments later and the doors slid open to reveal our room. Everything was made of stainless steel and glass, excluding the bed. Hovering chairs were sat in one corner as tthe sitting area with a glass coffee table hanging from the ceiling. There was a small kitchenette across from the sitting area consisting of a large tablet for ordering food and drinks, a sink, and an advanced sort of dumbwaiter that served as a food teleportation device. A large bed was in the middle of the room, with steel headboards against the red comforter. The mattress was made of clouds, literally in crystallized form.

"Spiffy," Gem commented and moved towards the hologram telly, turning it to the "historic" music channel, being assortments from the Beatles.

"Beautiful," I mouthed, watching her admire the view from the window.

"Let's go to the beach," Gem watched the still water with a gentle smile.

"I didn't bring any swim trunks," I sighed, knowing that both of us had blanked on clothing after our nice snog by the TARDIS.

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