"Beast such as yourself should not exist. Shall I send you to a goddess that will deal with you?"I asked him. His eyes narrowed and it was then that he understood something that I was still trying to figure out.

"I see now Ankhesenamun. When you took your life, you convinced a goddess to bargain with Anubis to send you back. Sekhmet." The queen within me confirmed such with a grin.

"I knew that my husband's death was under suspicious means so I begged any god or goddess that would listen and only one gave me an answer that I liked. So in return for my eternal service, I vowed that with the ending of my true body and the rebirth into another that I would serve her in the lifetimes that were to come." The lion by my side wrapped itself around my torso and purred to me in a way that was like I was its master. I knew better. The queen on the other hand extended her fingers into the fur on the scruff of its neck and ran them through it, the soft and light texture gentle to us.

"Leave now and never show yourself again or I will have my beast destroy what you have become." His orbs narrowed at me and in the blink of an eye, dark shadows surrounded his palms.

"You think you are the only one with a god? Think again," he said and with a snap of his fingers, a creature took form in his outstretched palm. From our distance away I could not make out the shape of the creature that was but when it dropped from his palm to the sand, I wondered if for a moment he lost his spell and it hadn't worked.

The lion that was curled around me began to growl a low and threatening sound that made even the queen within me shake a bit. A pitch black paw burst from the sand and followed by it was the rest of a creature that caused the queen to narrow our eyes and huff in annoyance.

"Are you intentionally trying to piss me off?" She growled, her use of more modern words throwing me off. The creature was one well known to anyone who knew of egyptian culture. A jackal. A disgusting creature that represented death because after someone would be buried they would show up around tombs in hopes of finding something to prey upon. Anubis represented this creature and now this dark bastard was using this creature to do such horrible things.

"You have your godess, I have my god. Yours will not be able to defeat me because of the fact that your goddess means good and mine means death." The jackal was larger than ones that the queen and I have both seen in our lifetimes and it was snarling by Ken but not wrapping around him in a protective manner. It was snarling more in his direction but was pointed at us like a weapon. Its body was very slim like it hadn't eaten in days and a lone scar kept one eye from opening to see us fully.

"Anubis is the god you worship?" I heard Mary squeak and I could see the hurt in her eyes as she is realizing that the man she loved was nothing more than a few millennia old and part vampire. In fact, I looked to them all and saw the hurt in both Orlando and Zack's eyes as well. Ken had been a brother to them. I heard that they had even gone on a guys vacation to the beach for spring break. They were family.

"I worship many different gods dearest Mary but the place I draw my power from is a secret. Unlike this girl before you, I don't draw my power from a god." He made the last part sound so mocking like what I gave up, what the queen gave up, was small compared to him. My jaw clenched and I came up to the queen's side in control and took a step forward, rage pushing me forward.

"You don't understand at all Ken. Nothing you have done could even compare to what she gave up, what I gave up. You took everything away from us when we needed it most. Our daughters were dead and we were in mourning but you took my husband from me and made me believe that everything we had wasn't enough and he died. You say such horrible things but you in reality do not understand true sacrifice." I could see the change in his face when he saw the change in my posture but I knew that it wouldn't slow him down. If anything, it would instigate him to push harder.

"If you wish to keep living miss queen, then call off your guard dog and submit to me. Be my servant and you will not need to die. Your powers can be quite useful to a man who will become the next pharaoh of Egypt." My eyes narrowed into slits and it made perfect sense now.

Both the queen and I started out in a soft chuckle that grew until we sounded down right crazy. Even to us we sounded crazy. The jackal and Ken bristled at our laughter and I had to wipe away a tear before I let the queen take back over and do her thing. She wanted a shot at him more than I did.

"Pharaoh? Pharaoh?!" My hands went to my hips as I swayed them to the side.

"Okay, three things I want to touch on with that little detail. First, you do realize that it is the twenty first century right? Democracy is a thing. Second of all, you are too bat-shit crazy to think that anyone in their right minds would listen to you. And third, do you really think that you would be a better pharaoh then my husband? He could out rule you many lifetimes over." The red that had flashed in his eyes before now brightened back up and stayed that way, a sign that his anger was truly growing.

The beast at his beck and call roared at me with anger and took a threatening step towards us all.

"You don't yet get it princess but in time you will. Now enjoy my creatures," he snipped at me and within moments, the shadows that had surrounded him took shape in the form of two more jackals. When his eyes narrowed onto a single person I was sure it was me but as his fangs dropped I felt his gaze go past me to someone else. I gave a moment to glance back to see the driver that had collected us, his orbs wide with fear.

"Get in the car," I shouted before the words registered in my head and as they began to move, chaos erupted.

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