Who Is He? And Why Is He So Cute?

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Ugh! The first day of school! The day of September we all dread. It's the day where you you and your friends cry when your not in the same class, And the first day of school brings, New students. Those shy, Stubborn people. Yeah, If you can't tell. I hate new students,All they do is cause drama. Just like the new students that came to our school. There was a boy named Luke Steam, A girl named Madison Harbor, And a boy named Adam Burner. Now I say I hate new students, But! Luke is kinda cool and funny. Madison is a great friend and we'll Adam... He's frickin ADORABLE!!! His blue ocean eyes,His ginger hair and his face filled with freckles. So cute! 

"YAY!!!!! " I and my guy friend screeched." Were in the same class finally!" We continued screeching. Benny us my guy friend I've known for 7 years now. And his sister Belli is my friend too. But she's starting Grade seven, Which is cool. Anyway Me and all my friends are in the same class. We got Mrs. Britney, My grade four teacher.
She was a great teacher back then and I hope she still is. "Alright children." Mrs Britney said. "We have three new students the year. So be nice!" She continued. Three people I've never seen before walk in and stand at the front of class. Our teacher whispers to them and then point to empty desks. Then a ginger haired kid walks over to a desk next to my friend Nicole, Me and Nicole sit next to each other. He stares at the desk then at us and just sit down. He was wearing a shirt that said lazy days and had white shoes with little grass things on them. Me and Nicole look at each other and then him. Nicole taps him on the shoulder and we say hello. "Hello. I'm Nicole and this is Kelly." Nicole says.
"Hello" I say smiling to him. His face turns pinkish. "Hello. I'm Adam." He says smirking. Me and Nicole look at each other and whisper to each other. "He's kinda cute" I say blushing. "Kelly! You have a boyfriend!" She says pointing to my boyfriend Thomas. "Yeah. I'm gonna break up with him, He's clingy." I chuckle. "I agree" She giggles.
"Kelly and Nicole, Please pay attention." Our teacher says pointing to the smart board.
"Yes Mrs. Britney" Me and Nicole sigh.

Grade Six HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora