Thuh frst dai.

69 7 6

I cnt buhleev it. Mom is mayking mee moov. Now wee ar leeving town & I cnt eevn hav ani sai in it. New town. New lyf.

"Juhzel!" Mee mom yels.

I gron. "Wut!"

"Its tym!" Shee screems.

I si & get up. Maybee it wont b that bad. O hoo am I kiding. This wil b teribl.

"I dont wunt to go." I sai.

Maybee she wil let mee stai.

"I dont cayr Juhzel. Get owt." Shee sez.

I gron & stomp mi fet.

Heer gos nuthing.


Frst dai uv skool. Evry wons favorit dai. Syk.

Kwikly I put sum pants on & keep thuh shrt I sleepd in on mi bodee.

Mom mayd wofls so I eet them kwikly & mi bruthr Jarid dryvs me to skool.

"Hav fun kido." Jarid sais @ me wen we get to skool.

"Wutevr." I sai.

I wok into thu skool & kids ar runing uround evrywar. Wut thu hek. A grl pases me & I grab hr arm. "Wut thu hek is hapining?" I yel.

She loks scard so I tuch hr arm. "Thu hotist gi in skool is heer." She sais.

I lok @ hr in discust & let hr go. Ew. Y wood evrywon b eksited for sum gi.

& thats wen I saw him. He wuz so beutifl that I coodnt evn breeth for to sekints.

"Wo." I gasp.

& then he winkd. Wo. Hes so hot.

"Helo." He sais.

Is he speeking @ me? "Hoo me?"

I ask.

He smils & mi hart stops. Hes so hot.

"Ya. Ur hot." He sais.

I olmost faynt. "Nu uh ur hot." I sai.

He lafs & I smil @ how beutiful he is.

"O. So u wuhnuh dat?" He ask.

"Ar u toking @ me?" Mi ja dropd.

He lafs. "Ya. Ur funee. & hot."

I olmost dy ryt thar. Hes so hot. Y wood he lyk me. "Uh. Ar u sher? I meen im not that keuwt." I bit mi lip.

He lafs. "Ur keuwtr then thuh uhthers. I lyk ur fase."

Mi ja dropd & I startd droling. Hes perfict.

"Im Juhzel."

"Im Jaik." He smils.

I olmost go into a comuh.

"Kool. U wuhnuh hold hands?" I ask.

Jaik smils & grabs mi hand. Mi hart stops.

"I lyk u Jaik." I sai.

"I lyk u to Juhzel." He sais.

Sumwon col a doctr cuz this boi is guhnuh maik me fant.

"Wel its tym for clas. Wut clas do u hav?" Jaik asks me.

"I hav siens." I sai.

Jaik lafs in mi fase. "Ha that suks for u. I hav biolijy. Wut do u hav nekst periuhd?" He asks.

"I hav jim."

"Wo me to." He sais @ me.

"O K kool. L8r bab." I sai.

Jaik Leevs & I si. Hes so hot.

"Alrit lisin up u twrp. Jaik is myn." A lowd vois yels.

I lok up to se a angree grl. "Wut thuh hek no he isnt. He just told me im his grlfrend." I yel @ hr.

This is intens.

Thuh grl screems a batl cri @ me & tris to takl me to thuh grownd. Unforchunitly im week af & she noks me down. Mi hed hits thuh flor hard & i see blak. Y is mi blud blak. Wtf blud is red.

Im cunfuzd so I tel thuh grl I need to pee so she wil leev me ulon. She sais ok.

I wok to mi clas and see lots uv dum peepl. I olmost frgot I wuz @ skool.

"Ur l8 noo grl." Sum loozr sais @ me.

"Frik awf." I sai.

Thuh teechr nods apreeshiativly @ me.

"Im Juhzel." I sai.

Thuh teechr grins @ me. "Sit ryt thar." He points @ a desk.

I sit. "Hai noo grl ar u singl. Ur hot af."

I trn & glair @ thuh boi frum befor.

"No. Im dating sumwon. Leev me ulon." I gron.

Thuh boi looks cunfuzd. "U alredy hav a boifrend? Wtf hoo?"

I blush. "Jaik."

Evrywon gasps.

Thuh boi lafs. "Ha ya ryt."

"Its troo!" I yel @ him.

"Hes to hot for u." Sum dum ho sais.

I glair @ her & look @ thuh teechr. How mani dum peepl ar guhnuh tok @ me todai wtf.


Hey bros. New story.

Yes I speak and write proper English.

I can't tell you how hard I laughed while writing this. My dad is so annoyed with me.

Anyways I hope you like it, new chapter will be up soon.

Love you guys!😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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