Chapter 12 - What happened to Hands

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Dreamer was leaning against Savory's side as well and was holding one of her hands. This had brought back memories though they were of his mother. He didn't remember what had caused the three to be bad people since he had been asleep. Now he just wanted to go back to be with his temple sisters. Dreamer no longer thought of himself as part of the pack his mommie had been in. He was part of Pack Liraque and he liked all his pack sisters.

Savory gave him a good hug and light kiss, *Do what you need Hands and I will take care of the pack. Go and talk to Golden and we will be there when you get back.* She had felt and understood his confusion. It was somewhat hard for her to understand since she wasn't a pack father. It was also hard since she was a Liraque, even if a trainee, since he wanted satisfaction.

Hands returned the kiss and pressed his forehead against hers, *Thank you Savory. Take care of our pack and give them my love. I will be back as soon as possible.* He turned and walked over to where Golden was and ended up between his Temple Mother and Temple Father. It no longer felt weird saying that. This world had changed him in so many ways he probably wouldn't recognize the kid he had been.

Hands settled down next to Golden and leaned back and closed his eyes and relaxed. For now, he was just going to let Golden's scent help to relax him. The decision he had made earlier had been so damn hard. Damn it he was just a kid. He shouldn't have to make these types of decisions but he was being forced to. If he was back on earth he would be making decisions on what to wear, where he and his friends might want to go. Hell, he should be back home making a decision on if he wanted to talk to some cute girl.

Now he had twenty-one people he was responsible for, had not just a Pack Mother but his future Mate. That wasn't mentioning having a Matriarch barely older than he was. Hands was also involved in dealing with a murder case, the take down of an entire pack, and even indirectly the death of many people. That as much as anything was what he needed to talk to Golden about. Hands knew he wasn't directly responsible since he hadn't put the bombs there or activated him but it felt like he was. He rescued Dreamer, which he didn't regret at all, and talked to the investigators. That started it.

Before he realized it, they were at the Pack Lord's temple. Golden had been watching Hands as he was thinking and even if Hands was having trouble Golden was so very proud of him. The boy was doing some serious thinking and Golden didn't blame him. That was what was making him such a good Pack Father. He actually thought about things. He considered ramifications of what he was doing. Mind you that wasn't saying the Folician Pack Fathers didn't but Hands was so new to it he had to. There was some carry over from his parents and how he had been raised as well, "We are here Hands. I hope you like the temple."

Hands opened his eyes and looked at Golden before looking around. Since he was so used to the Goddesses Temple, Hands didn't know what to think at first. This was a vastly different type of building and he could feel the age of it. Since he had never been to the Pack Lord's realm he didn't know what to expect. It was a large place and had a presence about it. He felt a draw to it. The structure was of heavy stone and wood. Some might say it had a brooding presence to it. He would say it had a welcoming feel to it. Something deep down inside felt a call from the building, "I like it Golden, I'm sure you know the feeling but it's very welcoming."

Hand climbed out of the vehicle and waited until Golden joined him. When he did, Hands walked next to him as they walked into the building. His eyes were traveling around the building as they walked in. In the Goddesses temple there were paintings, motifs, and artwork. Here there was just a very masculine feeling with dark wood, well-crafted masonry and what looked like torches though there wasn't any smoke. It really did feel welcoming and he felt – he had come home. As he walked slowly next to Golden tears of happiness trickled down his face.

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