Chapter 6: Best Friends, Ex Friends Till the End, Better Off As Lovers

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[Song: Bang the Doldrums by Fall Out Boy]

The next day, Max had to go back to school. As much as he begged his mom, she didn't want him to miss another day.

Max got ready in a fussy manner that resembled a small child having to go an event they didn't want to. He didn't even bother brushing his hair, he just didn't care about it. Besides, Ian could've done a better job of it.

Max sighed as he grabbed his backpack and walked out the door. He looked over at Ian's house, which was only just down the street, and saw that Ian's car was already gone. That meant for the first time since Ian started driving, Max would have to walk to school.

The walk wasn't terribly far but it was terribly boring alone. Max hadn't walked to school alone in years.

As he walked, he couldn't help but to think how much his life just revolved around Ian. It was Ian this and Ian that. Ian was everywhere. Ian was everything. Ian, Ian, Ian. Maybe he's like Beetlejuice and if you repeat his name a certain amount of times he'll appear or however that went.

Max chuckled quietly at the thought of Ian just popping up in front of him like it was nothing. He longed for contact with the other boy.

When all his depressing thoughts finally carried him to school, Max found himself wishing to just turn back. He didn't want to face any of these people. He didn't want to see his friends. He especially didn't want to see Ian.

Luckily for Max, this was the day where he didn't see Ian unless it's in the hallway during a transition time.

×A/n I'm using my schedule for Max and my boyfriend's for Ian because I'm not creative enough to make up their own lmao×

Max walked through the open door of the building and stepped though, entering the place he least wanted to be in the entire world. He stopped suddenly when something caught his eye.

Well, someone.

There Ian was standing, looking down at his phone, leaning against the wall right across from the doors. Max froze, staring straight at Ian. Ian looked up from his phone and his eyes met with Max's. Max was completely frozen in place.

Some jerk came by a saw Max's frozen state as an opportunity to shove the poor boy for some sort of twisted entertainment. Max fell helplessly to a ground as the surrounding students laughed at his misfortune.

Max got too his knees and started to pull himself up when his eyes met a hand. He looked up at the owner of the hand, who happened to be Ian, and took the hand to help him up.

"You okay?" Ian asked sympathetically.

"Just peachy," Max replied curtly.

"I'm so sorry, Max," Ian said guiltily.

"Nothing to be sorry about," Max said as he quickly walked away.

Ian sighed as he watched Max scurry off.

Max quickly made his way to his first class, which was unfortunately math. The upside was Max wasn't that bad at math and Joji was in the class as well.

Max took his seat, being one of the first ones in the class because it was still fairly early, he simply put his head down and closed his eyes. It didn't take long before he unintentionally drifted off.

A tap on his shoulder woke Max up. Max sat up and tiredly rubbed his eyes before looking at whoever woke up, that person being Joji.

"Tired?" Joji asked.

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