Chapter 13

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  I wake up on a blanket next to a nice warm fire

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  I wake up on a blanket next to a nice warm fire. I spring up from the ground rest to go find Lillian but pain erupts from my side and I let a yell in pain. Someone walks and I see that it's LeFou.

"Oh good you awake I was afraid you weren't going to wake up," he said with a little worry in his voice.

"How long have I been out?" I ask looking down to see a bandage on my stomach.

"Three days."

"Three days!? I need to go fine Lillian! She could be anywhere!" I say trying to stand up.

"Look you can't even stand, you shouldn't go anywhere until you healed," LeFou says as he walks over to me, "you need to relax and tell me what happened."

  I sit back down and start breathing slower. And I tell him all that went down.

  I take off my cloak and walk across the house to a friend of mine who loves to have slaves

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  I take off my cloak and walk across the house to a friend of mine who loves to have slaves. I give her a small smile and a little kiss on the hand out of respect.

"Hello Crystal," I say with a head nod.

"Hello darling," she says with a thick accent, "what are you doing here? I thought you didn't like me anymore."

"I don't but I do have something you'll like."

"And what is that?" she says curiosity in her eyes.

"A new slave."

"Well bring her in."

  I nod and start walking back towards the door. I open up the carriage and untie Lillian from the door and start dragging her towards the door.

"You just got lucky Lillian I found you a master."

"So you really are going to sell me," she says.

"Yep I don't need some brat girl in my life," I say, "now shut up and stand straight."

"This is her?" Crystal says.


  Crystal gets up from her chair and walks over to us. She looks at Lillian and puts her hand to Lillian's face and move it around.

"I guess she'll have some use," Crystal says.

"I'll pay you $400 for her."


"You can pick up the money on your way out," she says and I turn around and walk out.

  The person, Crystal, who now 'owns' me rushes me to another room with some girl I don't know

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  The person, Crystal, who now 'owns' me rushes me to another room with some girl I don't know. Most likely another slave.

"You clean her up and get her in proper attire," she says to the girl.

  The girl brings me to another room with a bath tub. She quickly starts filling it with water with buckets from the other side of the room.

"What's your name?" I ask

"I don't have one," she says quietly.

"Everyone has a name," I say.

"Not here and you best forget yours before you get into trouble," she says, "You can take you bath now I'll be back in a little bit with some clothes."

She then leaves the room and I undress. I slowly sink into the bath and close my eyes.



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Btw this is Crystal

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