something just like this

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I just got back home from my brothers baseball game and my head hurts so much. But I was standing walking around and my mom was like "Why don't you sit down" and I was about to say something until i seen this really cute kid sit down and I was like "oh yea I'll sit down" and of course me being the boy crazy girl I am sat next to him the rest of the game.

Prince's P.O.V

It's 8:50 so might as well get out of bed.
I get up and check my phone that's on the bed next to my head. I look at the notifacation that I got 7 min ago.

'Come in my room💜'

It was from anxiety. I smile to myself and got out of bed. I threw an over sized shirt on and started walking towards his room. As I pasted by Logics room I see him sitting on his bed showing Dad something on his phone. I had an idea.

"So logic, got any nicknames for your boyfriend?" I said with a smirk knowing how to get this answer.

"What! He is not my boyfriend an-" Logic said before getting interrupted by Dad.

"But logic I thought we were? Oh and he does have Nicknames for me like babe, other stuff.... OH and daddy! He calls me daddy!!" As dad said this I could see logic's face turn bright red.

He nervously laughed and look at Dad and whispered something in his ear and then turned back at me and pointed towards the door and told me to get out as I was laughing.

I left, still laughing, and made my way towards Anxiety's room. I knocked on the door and heard a "come in" as I opened the door. I smiled at him as I walked in and closed the door.

"So what did you need me for?" I asked sitting down next to him trying not to laugh. But that isn't working.

"I was lonely....? Are you ok?"

Anxiety's P.O.V:

I asked Prince if he was ok because he wouldn't stop laughing. He calmed down and took the time he was actually calm to tell me.

"Ok so. I *laughs* I asked logic if he had any, any Nick names hahaha, and Dad said *laughs even louder* Dad said he calls him DADDY! HAHAHA"

By now I was laughing almost more than be was. Wow. Who wouldve thought?

Prinxiety- Anxiety X Prince (Thomas Sanders)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora