Chapter 2

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I climbed through my bedroom window, and went to my closet and grabbed a simple outfit a Set it Off shirt and a black shorts. ( Set it Off a really good band sorry for stopping the story) After I changed I went to my mini fridge yes I have a mini fridge I live in my room. After I take out a pack of " meat" human I turn go on my lap top and watch come anime and eat my snack. I check the  time uh looks like I should do some homework but I don't have any standard test are this week so back to anime. After a couple episodes of  Naruto and Attack on Titan I checked my alarm clock three o'clock I should get to sleep. 

Time skip four hours later

I wake up and get ready for school I wear a black dress that has white cuffes on the bottoms of the sleeves. I grad my backpack form the corner of my room and walk down the stairs to the front door went I hear my mom shout " Have a good day at school, try to get your grades a bit higher."

" Okay I will try to" let's just hope I don't get suspended first my grades are find all A's and B's maybe a C once and a while but that's it. But people just like to make me angry and I get punchy and kicky that's it don't make me mad and your fine that's it. And I close the door behind me and walk to school. Halfway there a guy maybe a year older then me that doesn't go to my school and knows who I am asked me if I have a boyfriend. " Yes I do sorry" No I don't I think. 

" Well how about you leave him for me I probably way better."

" Cocky much. You are not better than my boyfriend." 

"Yes I am" he takes a step closer and grabs my wrist that's it and I punch him square in the face with my other hand. He drops my wrist and stumbles back. I keep walking to school I check my watch I have ten minutes to get there I probably can get there in five. 

Time skip five minutes later 

I am standing out side of the school waiting to get in when my only friend and maybe say best friend walks toward me. His name is Rin he is one of my closest friends he is is the only one who knows my secret it is that I can do dark magic and that I am a ghoul. " Yo, what's up." says Rin

"Okay I guess." I say then the warning bell rings 

" Come on we should go." I say quietly 

"Okay, let's get going to math"

Then with that we start walking to math class when we get there I walk over to my set which is  right next to the next to Chris who loves me but I don't personally like him he is really annoying and doesn't when to shut up and that everyone thinks that he is really irritating to everyone else but guess what I have to sit next to him and his number one fangirl sits right behind me. She is always fangirling about everything about he does or even says.  It gets really annoying, and it gets really irritating, but the only good thing is that Rin sits in front of me and he can call me down really fast so I can't do anything that will cause a lot of trouble for us. Right now most of the seats are filled except the one next to me and the one behind me so I talk to Rin, but as soon as I was about to talk to him he was surrounded by his fan club they, hate me because I am his best friend and also I am a female, and they are scared I will take him away from they and he doesn't even like them one bit. He thinks they are really annoying also they stalk him and they have threatened me but he found out because I slapped their leader and they told him thinking he would be mad. But he was concerned that I would get in trouble but I told him that she threatened me and then slapped me so I slapped her backs because of karma. " Huh, well if she slapped and threatened you then she will probably be the one to get in trouble, but your life loves you so she will find a way to twist the story and get you in trouble."

" I know I know, what if  I take a break from school and hid in the place were no one can find me."

" That might work but then you have school work to make up."

" Like I do school work."

" Lies  you kind of do."

" How."

"  You don't do the actual assignment but you can do the work because you are crazy smart."

" Okay good point."

" Alright class settle down time to get to work." Said Mrs. Wang 

" Today you will do page 37  to 45 in your work books, if you have any questions raise your hands." 

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and put on my earbuds. I pulled out my workbook and go to work. Chris poked my arm " Hey can you help me with this problem." I look up and nod then look at the problem. The problem was quite simple he probably knows it. He just wants to talk about to me. " The answer is 57." I said an went back to work. 

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