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So let me explain I am sort of a zombie I am more like a ghoul then a zombie. First off I eat people but if I like bite someone they might turn out like me of the might just die. Second I am not died I am fully living. Maybe I should tell you why I am like this so when I was little I found a weird book in and abandoned building when I was five. So it stayed different things like say" pasa de lama yo callo." And some other weird things so I took it home with me thinking it was just some stupid book, boy was I wrong. When I was nine I mastered a lot of the incantations in the book. But things were happening I became very pale and my hair sometimes would start becoming a little white but then would change back, to my dark drown hair or my eyes will turn red, from pools of sea blue. I also didn't really have control of my emotions I would start fights with the boys and sometimes girls who think they can take me on. They all lost so I got suspended a couple of times, not that my parents cared they were in there world. They didn't even notice my changes, which made things worse when people would notice then would just say" You are crazy, there is nothing wrong with her hair or eyes." Or " she just dyed her hair also she is just wearing contacts. But the main thing my parents notice was when I started eating meat. I am a vegetarian but whenever I eat any of it, it tasted bad or any food but when I tried meat it tasted fine. So when they questioned me about not being a vegetarian I said" I missed the taste of meat." Or " Just trying something new.

It was the only thing I liked, but then I tasted human. Okay let me explain I was walking and this weird dude pulled me into an alley and he had his hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream. So I bit his hand and surprisingly it tasted good, okay I am not a cannibal it just because of the books magic. I just need to stop using it and everything will go back to normal right. Now the temptation of meat and magic were getting worse I was scared what is going to happen now. You guys might be wondering how my magic power works I honest don't know the only thing I know is that it is called shadow magic or if you care to call it demon magic. Now I am pretty good at controlling the power or the hunger. 

Zombie QueenWhere stories live. Discover now