Chapter 1:The:Meeting

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Lucy's. P.O.V
Magnolia, Mesuka Forest (Meh-Suka,kind of made it up. )
I was wondering on Mesuka Forest. Well I kinda ended up here to train. "Open gate of the goat Capricorn!" I summoned one of my faithful celestial spirit. "What is our business for today Lucy-Sama? " Capricorn asked me. "I need to past my limits I need to summon 3 or more spiri-"

But before I can finish a voice interrupted me. "Frosch I think there are people here." An unfamiliar voice spoke "Fro thinks so too!~" A cute voice exclaimed aloud. Two shadowy figures are coming closer to us and Capricorn. I saw a black colored hair that covers his other eye, in short words. Emo boy with an exceed with a frog costume. I squealed and ran up to Frosch forgetting about Emo boy for a second "Your so cute!" I exclaimed while pinching his cheeks.

For 6 seconds I stopped and looked at Emo boy cautiously. We studied each other's features before screaming, "YOU!?" We both exclaimed on top of our lungs. Capricorn and Frosch looked at us weirdly with a 'WTF-I'm -CONFUSED' look at the both of us. "WHAT DOES A SABER/FAIRY DOING HERE!?" We shouted on unison AGAIN. I groaned "Well Fairy Tail IS located here in Magnolia and I'm training but WHAT are you doing here?" I spoke with sass.

With hands on my hips apparently he looked at me before speaking "I want to be recognized by me and me only." Weird is really the right definition for this black haired Emo. "Well Emo would you like to come so we can train together what about that? Sounds good?" I smiled brightly at him. His face showed shock but just for a minute. "Why would a Fairy help a Saber like me?" He questioned. "Because your still a fellow Mage who somewhat has the same objective for now, so I can't see any reasons to not help you out." His face showed surprise.

"Capricorn as I was saying I need to summon 3 or more spirits, could you help me do that?" I asked hopeful. "Lucy-Sama I'm sorry but it's almost evening the sun is setting and we should make a camp for now." He said and I nodded we headed west on Mesuka Forest with Rogue and Frosch trailed behind me.

~Le Timeskip! Blame the author for being a lazy a**~

Author's P.O.V
Rogue and Lucy was sleeping soundly in their tents along with Frosch. Sadly Only Lucy bought a tent and they 3 have to share the tent. Rogue and Lucy cuddled all night while Frosch was on Lucy's left sleeping soundly too. Their faces only inches apart and was about to lean in closer.

But Frosch cutely yawned which startled the two and both of their eyes flutter open. Their eyes widened for a second and blushed at their sleeping position. They quickly looked away and blushed putting Ezra's hair to shame. "Fro thinks he interrupted something." He teasingly said (idk about Frosch's gender he seems male but it's attidude is female comment what ya think)

Rogue shyly blushed making Lucy giggle but with a tint of pink still on her cheeks. "Well shall we start training?" Lucy held her hand up but Rogue doesn't want to accept it as he looked away. "Come on, I'm waiting." Lucy slyly smirked at the embarrassed Rogue. Nevertheless Rogue stood up and took her hand going out with Frosch making heart shapes on it's hands the exceed mouthing 'RoLu' to Rogue, which resulting his partner glaring at the exceed above him.

"Open gate of the goat,Capricorn!" Lucy said stopping on the middle of the forest they were in." "Lucy-Sama we'll start by you running 3 laps across the middle of the forest move now, as for you Rogue start with 3 laps also this exercise brings your stamina to test now get moving!" He boomed, 'Bossy' Lucy thinks irritated at his celestial spirit.

They started sprinting to the forest. Lucy made her first two laps, whilst Rogue was only half of Lucy's laps he was 1 and a half lap and has a long day ahead of him. 'I'm running my fastest but this Fairy is much more faster than I am , geez 3 laps!?' Thought Rogue. I think we forgot something..........

Frosch! The exceed was busy not watching them but scribbling on it's notebook. It reads

RoLu operation is coming ahead.....
Step 1: Get them close
Step 2: Develop crushes for each other
Step 3: They need to train together
Step 4: Develop a romantic interest on each other
Step 5: Make them kiss
Step 6: Tell Mira about the progress

Frosch smirked for step 1 will lead to a success the exceed knew they'll get close somehow.......

While Frosch was scribbling on it's notebook, Lucy finished her 3 laps easily so did Rogue but Lucy was ahead of him. Which made Lucy grinned childishly which made the Sabertooth Mage glare at the celestial wizard. Which she shook off with a sly smirk. "We should get going the sun is about to set. Let's go." Rogue instantly said bothered about the blonde and her childishness.

"Thank you Capricorn shall we resume tomorrow?" Lucy asked which made Capricorn nod and Rogue groaned while Lucy chuckled

~Le timeskip brought to you by Happy eating fish!~
Rogue was sleeping but Lucy didn't seem to even close her eyes. She went outside and gazed at the stars above her. " I hope that your one of them and your guiding me" she sighed " I miss you mom." After feeling tiredness wash over the blonde she quickly went to the tent and there she found the silence comfortable.

"Once I prove myself strong, I will really be proud to shout, that I'm a deserving and true member of Fairy Tail" she smiled and went to her own land. The LaLa land
A/N: Thank you for putting time to read this story if you want all of Rogue and Fairy Tail members Same with Sabertooth click my profile and look for The Adventure Extras! Prolougue already posted and I am working on.... Chapter 1

About updating schedules I dunno but it's always nighttime here in the Philippines where my wifi is awake lol

Random Quote of the day: Be with someone that makes you fully happy

Dang long author's note tho. Well ........

Up next!!:Trouble at Mesuka!

Drafted:April 5, 2017
Published:April 8, 2017

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