Part VI

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Startled by the innocent question of the little girl, the two took their eyes off each other at the same time. Maine was too consumed by her hatred towards the ungrateful man that she forgot about Arianna. Richard on the other hand just didn't know what had transpired between them. He was just listening to the woman's rant in a bored manner awhile ago and the next thing he knew he was drowning in her brown eyes. It bothered him but he didn't pondered on it much.

" Uhm .. Miss Maine? Is it true? " Arianna asked more when no one dared to speak again. She really had no idea what was the silent all about but the ice cream was far more important to her. She could question her brother anyway about his actions later. " The lady with the red hair told me you have some here. "

" Oh. You mean Venus and yes we do have ice cream here. I will try to get you some later. " Maine answered in a tone very opposite to what she used with Richard. It was sweet and and soothing.

" Really? " The little girl beamed. " You can do that? But is it not rare to have ice cream nowadays? I will understand if you only serve it in special occations. "

" No problem sweetie. " Maine replied before facing Richard once again and grinned smugly. She want to see how he would react with what she was about to confess and shove it to his face who she really was. " I am the one calling the shots here anyways. I would not be called the leader for nothing. "

Richard though had mastered how to hide his emotion. He just remained silent and stared at her like what she blurted out was nothing special. He knew what Maine wanted from him, a complete utter shock and embarassment written on his face but he would not give her the satisfaction. Indeed, He was a little taken aback with the information but he did not let it show. And maybe he was expecting a grouchy unapproachable serious and old man; the thought of Maine being the leader had already crossed his mind earlier. With her feistiness and straight-forward attitude, it was not that hard to believe and come up to that conclusion. But Richard felt like annoying the woman more, the way her cheeks puffed and her luscious red lips move as she speak despite the evident anger in her words excite him. He still had no idea why and he could not think of possible reason for his action. It made him curious though and so he said.

" Then getting an ice cream for my little sister would not cause you much trouble? Its an easy task for a leader. "



I rarely do this but ...

Does this story bore you?

I will try to improve my writing and please comment if you see any mistake or just comment anything.

I will post the next chapter later.


~I W N

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