Part I

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" Look, Richy. Its a Heliantus! " Arianna squealed enthusiastically as she rushed to take a closer look at the yellow flower basking on the sunlight a few feet away. It was a beautiful flower indeed, with a strange unique scent. The young girl admired it as if it was a piece of jewelry or an intricate artwork. She did not even dared to touch it, thinking it might disappear or suddenly wither and contented herself only by examining it, memorizing the splash of color on its petal and keeping it in her young mind without laying a finger on it. The yellow flower simply mesmerized her.

Richard, her older brother, however was never a fan of flowers and anything of sort. He had far better things to think of but the sight of her little sister with a bright smile painted on her face, was always a welcome sight. Although it seemed risky to stop and fuss on a flower when you are in a place surrounder by things that has the potential to kill, he could not deprive her little sister from moments like it. He was well aware of how fond his sister was on flowers and plants, a trait she had inherited from their mother who was once a herbologist. And seeing how Arianna's golder brown orbs shine with glee also curved a smile on his lips - something that rarely happen nowadays.

" That is a sunflower, Ari. Its easier to say that than what you have called it. " He teased before attempting to pick it out but his little sister was quick to slap his hands away.

" What are you doing? You brute! Do not touch it. Its a very delicate thing. Of course, you don't know that. You have no love for mother nature. " Arianna threw a stern look at Richard, reprimanding him about how clueless he was of the flowers importance. She was fuming mad, anyone could imagine her breathing fire as she speak.

His older brother just snorted at her and shrugged his broad shoulders, ignoring her continuous rant about his carelessness and just roamed his sight on the area where they were. Clutching the rifle he was carrying tighter to his chest, he tried to distinguish the sounds invading his hearing and where they were coming from. It had helped him know if anything strange was approaching them and had saved their lives several times. The crunching of dried leaves, songs from different birds, whistling of winds and specially footsteps - his ears had become sensitive to all of it. Years of practice and being on the run had taught him how to be vigilant in order to keep him and his sister alive. And in the world where they were, there was no such thing as a safe haven. He knew it very well. They had one once and they thought it could last but they thought wrong.

" Ari, please be quiet. Those things might hear you and we do not want that, do we? And we shall get going. We still need to go find a place to stay." Richard said softly and motioned for his little sister to start walking ahead.

With a heavy heart and a deep sigh, Arianna nodded his head and obliged. She glanced at the yellow flower for the last time before the little girl went on her way. She wanted to pick it out and put it behind her ear or use it as decoration on her strap bag but decided against it. It should remain their, not unlike them who's constantly on the run. " Richy, when do you think will things come back to normal? "

Richard was stunned at the question, it made him stop on his track and look at his sister with weary eyes. He didn't have a definite answer to that nor he was still hoping there would an end. Well, he had ideas and it involved them being dead or becoming one of those vile things. It was a dreadful thought but he was just being honest though he would never mentioned it to her sister. She was too young to even think about it and she was hopeful. He didn't want to be the one to crush her fragile heart. Perhaps, in the deepest part of his mind, he needed her to hope, he needed her to cling on that slight possibility and he also need her to hope for him. She was the only reason he was still living.

" I don't know, Ari. I really don't know but If ever it happens. I will make sure you are alive to see that day. " Richard smiled but that time it never reached his eyes and patted his little sister's head lightly, ruffling her long wavy brown hair as well. It was all he could say and it was all he could promise.

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