Twenty Six.

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"It's time," Josh said as he came barging into my room.

"Time for what?" I asked, not really caring.

"We're going to get rid of that unfortunate little baby of yours." Josh said smiling.

I scooted as far back into the corner of my room as I could, "No, if you touch my baby so help me god you will never see the daylight again." So not my best threat, but I was under a lot of stress ok?

Josh just laughed, "Cute."

Two giant guys entered the room, I recognized one of them. It was Kevin. I didn't know if that was going to be a good thing or a bad thing.

They came over and grabbed me. I didn't bother screaming, but I did kick and scratch. I was like nothing for them though, they easily had me detained and were caring me out of the room.

"Can I at least walk?" I asked bitterly.

Josh shrugged. The two guys put me down, but Kevin kept his hand firmly around my arm. As we walked down the long hallway I tried to figure out every possible way of escape.

We eventually reached a sketchy room with an examination table. I kicked and fought as hard as I could, but they easily tied me down to a chair. Josh winked at me, "You just wait there, we have to get things set up."

At least I was in a chair, this meant they would have to untie me one more time to move me. I began trying to loosen the ropes around my wrists, almost instantly I could feel the hard rope rubbing my wrists raw but I ignored the pain and kept twisting and trying to get out. A bunch of people were coming in and out of the room, but I wasn't paying any attention to what they were doing. I was too busy trying to escape.

Suddenly there was a lot of yelling and cursing, and they were dragging someone into the room. "Fucking bastards" the person muttered. I knew that voice anywhere. Delirious. Jon was being dragged into the room. My heart nearly exploded at the sight of him.

"Y/N..." He whispered. Josh had heard him and went over and punched him in the jaw. Hard.

"Don't you ever talk to her again, understood?" Josh said. "Don't make me regret having you here to watch."

Jon simply spit. Josh walked away pissed. I looked closer at Jon, he looked tired and if possible even more beaten up. He had been trapped here for a while too.

We made eye contact and the whole world fell away. It was only us, and for the first time in a while I felt hope. I could see his brain was working at a thousand miles an hour, calculating how to get us out of this.

The moment was ruined when Josh came back in dragging what looked like a doctor behind him.

"Now you better not mess anything up," Josh said to the doctor, "I want her to still be able to have children."

I knew this was happening, but all of the sudden it just seemed REAL. I had to force myself to breath because the action wasn't coming naturally.

I managed to slip my wrists out of the ropes (very painfully I might add) and when Josh and the doctor weren't looking I leaned over and grabbed some sort of tool that looked sharp. Jonathan saw me do it, and when we made eye contact we both knew the plan.

I held my arms behind the chair pretending they were still tied up.

Kevin walked into the room. Josh spoke to him, "Go ahead and get her set up on the table." Kevin nodded and began to slowly walk over to me.

Fuck. Kevin was massive. I was going to have to do this at the exact right time.

He started to lean over me to reach behind and untie the ropes, so I saw an opportunity and went for it. I stabbed the pointy thing right into his stomach. I quickly realized that wasn't going to be enough because the scalpel I had grabbed was pretty tiny and barely went into his skin. Kevin was still taken back and distracted long enough for Jon to break out of his restraints and hit him over the head with the chair. Kevin went down, he was out cold.

That's when Josh turned around and saw what was happening. However, we didn't stick around to see what he would do. We just ran.

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