Chapter Two: First Day of my Second Year

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About A Month Later

Percy's POV

Lauren and I had been 16 when she got pregnant. Our daughter was born on July 27th. She was about 3 weeks old, almost 4 weeks. I just turned 17 a few days ago.

I woke with a start, hearing a noise, only to realize that it was Grace crying. I really couldn't have this right now. I looked at the clock. 2:30 a.m.. I really didn't need this. I was supposed to start my senior year tomorrow. Well, today, I guess. I got up and walked over to the guest room that was turned into a nursery. I picked up Grace and started rubbing her back. She quickly quieted down and fell back to sleep. Wow. She never falls asleep that quickly, I thought. I guess she just sensed that I needed to wake up earlier. I lumbered back into my room and crashed on to my bed. I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

"Percy! Wake up, sweetie! You don't want to be late do you?" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. I could smell the pancakes from here.

I quickly pulled on some real clothes. As I rushed to the kitchen, I checked on Grace. There she was, asleep. I took time to look at her thoroughly, like I had a thousand times. She looked exactly like me. The only thing she got from her mother was her tiny button nose. I tiptoed out of the nursery, careful not to wake her up.

My mom was sitting at the table, eating some blue pancakes, my favorite. I grabbed a plateful. As I quickly shoveled them down, my stepdad, Paul, walked in. "You ready to go, Percy?" He asked me.

"Yep, just let me go get my backpack and say goodbye to Grace and then we can go." I replied as I walked to my room, grabbed my blue backpack, and walked out into the hallway. I walked over to Grace's room and carefully poked my head inside. She had her eyes open and was staring at everything. I bent down and kissed her on the head. "Goodbye Sweetie. Daddy will see you after school." I walked out and told my mom she better be careful with my baby. She just rolled her eyes and told me to leave so I wouldn't be late.

Goode High School

As I walked to my locker, I could feel the girls eyes follow me. This has been happening ever since I made swim team captain last year. No one here knew about Grace because Lauren had gone to a different school. I didn't know if that was good or bad.

When I reached my locker, I saw a girl there I hadn't seen last year. She must be knew, I thought. I was putting in my combination, when suddenly, I felt an elbow hit, no more like smash, my nose. " Oh my gods! I am so sorry! I didn't see you there!" said a worried voice. I looked down and saw a short-ish girl with curly blond hair and stormy gray eyes. She was tan and had muscles, but not in like the way where she looks too muscle-y. She looked fit. She was beautiful. I wondered if she was model.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm Percy." I replied, trying to calm her down. At this she smiled, a small smile, but a gorgeous one.

"Annabeth. Annabeth Chase."

"Nice to meet you, Annabeth."

"You too. Here let me take you to the nurse." She told me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me through the hall.

"No it's fine, really. You don't have to do that." I told her quickly. Truth be told, I loved that she touched me. Her hand was warm and soft.

" Stop arguing, I'm taking you." She said with a slight smile. I knew I would lose the fight anyway. So I shut my mouth and let her drag me through the hallway.

Once we reached the nurse, it was 10 minutes into Homeroom.  I knew I was going to be late. I always am. The nurse looked at my nose and said that it wasn't broken. I sighed with relief. The nurse let us go, after she gave me a blue lollipop, of course.

"So, what class do you have now?" I asked her as we walked down the empty hallway.

"What? Oh, I have Homeroom, then English, then Math, Free Period, then Architecture, then Lunch, Then P.E., then I have Greek, and lastly, I have History/Geography." I stared at her, then at my schedule. We had every class together except our elective. "What? Do I have something on my face?" She asked me. Dang, she must have noticed me staring.

"No! It's just that we have every class together except elective. I have swimming." I replied hastily, not wanting her to think she had something on her face. Or that was anything wrong with her for that matter.

"Oh, cool." She told me, as we walked to Homeroom, which would be almost over.

We walked into the classroom, and everybody turned to us. "Mr. Jackson, and you are?" She asked Annabeth.

"Chase, Annabeth Chase." She told the teacher.

"Why are you two late?" She asked us, giving us the stink-eye.

"We were in the nurse." I replied simply.

"Well, OK, but take your seats."

The rest of the day was boring until swim. We got to practice for the swim meet that was happening on Friday. Then, after that, school was boring again. That was, until Greek. I walked in and saw Camp-Half Blood Director, Chiron. "Chiron, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

" I wanted to make sure you were OK, Percy. I heard about what happened with Lauren. Are you OK?" I asked me with a sympathetic smile. I nodded and sat down. The rest of class was fun. I sat right next to Annabeth. It was first good day.

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