Chapter 2

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Hey guys, I know that I suck at writing but I'm gonna try my best.

Cancer, who knew a six letter word could change someone's life. I never thought that I would have such a deadly disease. But there I was sitting in a hospital bed, crying my eyes out. My dad walked in and gave me a hug we both cried into each others arms. I was hoping that this was just some sort of bad dream but sadly it wasn't. The Hospital moved me into the intensive care unit. Which was in another building so a couple of nurses had to wheel me through the hospital.

They dropped me off in a big room with a chair that pulled bout into a bed so dad could sleep next to me. I was still trying to comprehend everything that just happened. This was overwhelming a sob escaped me and I sat there sobbing into my pillow. This was too much for me I had a whole life to live but now it was all taken away by a six letter word. One of the nurse came in she was really nice and she had a warm smile. She had to load met into a wheel chair and take me to the lab so they could get another Cat Scan, So they could see how bad it was.

The nurse wheeled me to the lab and she had to put me on the table. ''Don't move,and stay perfectly still, ok?'' I nodded and the machine started to scan me. It took about five minutes, but I couldn't stand being in that tight space. Just when I was about to start screaming, the machine stopped and I could breath again.The nurse insisted on carrying me to my wheel chair, and soon I was rolling to an office. Dad was already there, and they showed us the result if my cat scan. My Chart lit up like a Christmas tree, my cancer was bad. I could feel myslef hyperventilating the nurse got really nervouse but I eventually calmed down.

The docter was explaining my situation to my father and told him I wouldn't be able to start 10th grade next month. I was going to be hospitalized for a long time.

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