Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jace’s POV

I am so mad!

How dare he touch her!

I was shaking so bad, but still trying not to shift.

"Jace! Calm down! I am in no harm anymore! He can’t touch me anymore!"

I shook my head, trying to calm with her words…. But it wasn’t working…

All of a sudden she launched herself in my arms and I fell back onto the bed with Kalanie in my arms.

She put her hands on my face, stroking it…

She was so beautiful I couldn’t help but reach up and kiss her…

We were making out when I realized she just had a towel on…

Oh shit…

I sat up breaking the kiss, unfortunately… But things were going to go way to far if she didn’t get dressed… And I don’t think Kalanie is ready for that.

She looked at me questioningly as to why I broke the kiss.

I simply gave a pointed look to her towel around her body…

"Oh! Ooops! Sorry Jace!" She blushed.

I chuckled, "It’s all good with me. I just didn’t want to go any farther than you wanted to…" I trail off.

"Um.. Thanks.."

"Your welcome darlin’, but you might want to go get dressed before I change my mind…."I said with a hint of my southern accent, "But we are definitely talking after you get done."

She looked very nervous and had a hint of … what is that… fright?


That bastard ruined her life and I am determined to get it back…

Because I love her.

I know its so soon but the bond of being mates make me feel that way.

When we were little and best friends, we told each other everything.

I wonder if she remembers our first kiss?

We were seven and we were outside climbing trees. Our favorite tree to climb to be exact. It was an apple tree and it had the most delicious apples ever.

We loved to climb it and eat the apples which were golden delicious apples.

We had climbed up there and had just sat down to eat an apple.. I was talking with her and looked into her beautiful green eyes.

I realized then that she was the one I loved, the one that I was destined to be with.

She probably didn’t see it then, but I knew I loved her.

I leaned over and kissed her on the lips softly, she looked back at me shocked.

"What was that for?" she said softly with her little girl voice.

"That was for being the bestest friend ever and just being beautiful."

She rolled her eyes. But, the next day was when her parents died and she moved.

That is when I never saw her again.

I have longed for the day when I would see her again or hear her voice. I was beginning to think it would never happened.

I should have guessed we were mates.. I was stupid not to.

I was actually planning to go looking for her, because I knew she was not the kind of person who would just give up on me.

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