Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jace’s POV

Wow, Kalanie is my mate….

My head is still spinning.

"Um, hey Jace." Her beautiful voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Lanie." I suddenly remembered my old nick name for her.


"Here, come sit down next to me so we can catch up."

She sat down next to me on the loveseat.

I was still dying to know why she never wrote me back so I decided to ask.

"Hey Lanie? Why did you never write me back or call me?"

Her eyes filled with tears so I pulled her in my arms and electric shocks went off when I touched her.

She looked up to me questioningly about the shocks, but decided to go on anyways.

"Well, Jace, when I first arrived at my uncle’s house after my parents died, I immediately wrote a letter to you… But, when I asked my uncle if he could mail it, he slapped me across the face… I thought maybe he had some money issues, so I offered to pay for the postage. He then beat me up and ended up breaking my arm."

At this point I started shaking, wanting to shift I was so mad! How dare he hurt my girl!

"Jace stop shaking it’s okay… I’m fine now.. Plus there is more to the story…"

Her being fine now calmed me a little bit. So I nodded for her to go on.

"So I thought maybe he just didn’t like letters… I mean I was seven.. So one day I asked if I could use the phone to call you… He then beat me up again giving me a black eye and a sprained wrist. I knew I had to get out of that place so I started looking and waiting for any chance that I could somehow get help to escape. One day he proclaimed he had to go to a meeting. So after he left, I ran outside with my letter to you, to go mail it down the street at the mail box…. He was waiting, because he was talking about a fake meeting… So he dragged me back in the house and pushed me down the stairs giving me a broken leg and one broken rib…"

I was shaking so bad by the time she was done… And I knew there was only one way to calm me down…

"Jace? Jacey? Stop shaking it’s okay… How can I calm you down?"

I knew the only way to calm me down was a surprising one but I thought I'd try anyways.

"Kiss me."

"What? Why?"


Kalanie’s POV

He told me to kiss him and I didn’t know why but I wanted to…

So I did… And that was my first kiss… I was never allowed outside the house at that devil’s house so I haven’t been around people in forever.

It started out innocent but went passionate in seconds.

Sparks were flying and I felt so good and happy.

The happiest I have been since I last saw Jace.

I felt something but I wasn’t sure what it was….

He’s ours, my wolf proclaims. What the hell does that mean?

When we broke apart, breathless, Jace looked at me for a sign? What sign?

"Kalanie? Do you know what the signs for mates are?"

"Nope, nobody has ever told me."

"Well, first is the little electric shocks when you touch, that you think would hurt but feel quite pleasurable. Then it’s that you can’t see yourself with anybody but them. Also, you can’t help but love them…"

Does that mean he is my mate?

I decided to risk and ask, "Jace are we mates?"

"What do you think?"


He kissed me again as a reply.

When we broke apart he started to explain something else.

"Lanie? Do you remember when we were little and we had the same ‘birth marks’ on our shoulder blade and ankle?"

"Yes, you mean the ones that look like a heart with a key hole and a chain with a key on the end, with the chain connecting to the heart?"

"Yes those, also mean we are mates… And did you know that there is a mating process?"

"Um, no."

"Well it goes, kissing, uhh having sex, marking, getting married, and the werewolf mating ceremony.. But there is one extra step for us."

"Well, I have like a gazillion questions! First what is marking, second what is the werewolf mating ceremony, and what is the extra step?"

"Well marking is where the male side of the mates bites the part of the female where the neck meets the shoulder, marking them as their own.. Which means the female is off limits to anybody else.. But, don’t worry it doesn’t hurt, my mom told me it is one of the best feelings in the world when it happens. But the thing is they basically get pregnant right then and there when he bites her. The werewolf mating ceremony is after the wedding when, the mates have to say some vows and I guess some magical things happen.. My parents won’t tell me. Then, the extra thing is… Well, I am kind of the alpha of the pack now, so you will have a ceremony, officially becoming female alpha."

"Oh jeez that’s a lot… But why would I get instantly pregnant after that?!?!?"

" I have no doubt you can handle it. Remember I will be right by your side through all of it. Also, we are not completely sure on that part… Nobody can figure out why, that’s just what happens."

"Uhhh okay…"

"Lanie, we don’t have to do it all right away.. I can always wait until you’re ready."

"Okay Jacey."

Jeez this is a lot to take in!



"I am so glad you are my mate. I have always told myself that I wanted a mate like you and I got you yourself.’

"I’m glad you are my mate too Jace. I wouldn’t want anybody else but you."

He smiled and I stayed in his arms for a long time before he spoke.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but I was forced into promising I would bring you over to my parents house for dinner tonight.’

Let the fun begin…..


Chapter 2 yea!


Two chapters in one day!

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