Calgary Flames

kelsss: okay huddle up fam

samwhiches: butttt we gotta get ready for our game

tkachuky cheese: you won today, give us some advice

mony: yeahhh we're playing chicago

kelsss: yusss ik, kaner and toews😍

Lazer: kelsey !!

brouwer ranger: she likes the enemy

T to the J brodie: smh

kelsss: sorry but its patrick kane and jonathan toews soooo

kelsss: damn you keep distracting me

kelsss: im here to give you a pep talk

kelsss: and because im bored and no one else is answering

kelsss: but mostly because i wanna give you boys a pep talk

moose: okay lets hear it !!

kelsss: okay well

dougieee ham: !!

kelsss: don't suck.

freddieee ham: very wise

gio: just what we needed, thank you kels

kelsss: no problem buddy, im always here for you boys

kelsss: okay?

tkachuky cheese: okay.

micheal fer: wow

alex chiASSon: i just witnessed

michael fro: something

mikael back: wonderful

michael #4: *wipes tear away*

gio: okay guys i hate to do this, but we gotta go get ready to not suck

T to the J brodie: but but we're talking to kelseyyyy

kelsss: ik ik and im so great but gios right you cant suck which is gonna be very hard with kaner and toews on the ice

dougieee ham: kelseyyy

lazer: i cant believe you

tkachuky cheese: ^ im very disappointed in you

kelsss: what can i say, i love me some j toews and patty kane

mony: well we're gonna burn them tonight

kelsss: nooo you cant hurt their pretty little faces !!

samwhiches: i i just cant, i cant even rn

micheal fer: ik same smh

kelsss: but i love you guys toooo

kelsss: bye go winnn

tkachuky cheese: byee lyt imma get you a goal

brouwer ranger: no i am

samwhiches: no i am

gio: okay kids lets go

johnny hockey: oh my lord i just saw this holy shit

johnny hockey: im telling dylan you like someone else !!

mony: okayyy

johnny hockey: i was talking to kelsey smh


johnny, dylan, kelsey

johnny hockey: LARKIN DYLAN

johnny hockey: IM SORRY TO TELL YOU THIS


mrs. larkin: lmao bahaha

johnny hockey: what you shouldn't be laughing

johnny hockey: this is not the time to be laughing

mr. larkin: is it...?

mrs. larkin: yup yup

mr. larkin: lmao okayyy

johnny hockey: wait what

johnny hockey: what just happened

johnny hockey: kelsey is in love with kane and toews

mr. larkin: i spent a week with her at the wcoh, trust me, ik

mrs. larkin: hahah good times, good times

johnny hockey: aw damn

mrs. larkin: don't sound too enthusiastic

mr. larkin: yeah what, you wanted to ruin a relationship today?

johnny hockey: no....

johnny hockey: this is no fun

johnny hockey: i got a game i need to get ready for

mrs. larkin: good luck johnnyyyy go get me somee goalsss

johnny hockey: anything for youuu

mr. larkin: **cough cough**

johnny hockey: bye dylan 👋🏼

I hope you enjoyed this!
i love you.

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